VTK  9.3.20240419
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
2 // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
22 #ifndef vtkAOSDataArrayTemplate_h
23 #define vtkAOSDataArrayTemplate_h
25 #include "vtkBuffer.h" // For storage buffer.
26 #include "vtkBuild.h" // For VTK_BUILD_SHARED_LIBS
27 #include "vtkCommonCoreModule.h" // For export macro
28 #include "vtkCompiler.h" // for VTK_USE_EXTERN_TEMPLATE
29 #include "vtkDataArrayMeta.h" // For vtkDataArrayMeta::ComponentType
30 #include "vtkGenericDataArray.h"
32 namespace vtk
33 {
34 namespace detail
35 {
37 template <typename ArrayType, ComponentIdType TupleSize>
38 struct TupleRange;
39 template <typename ArrayType, ComponentIdType TupleSize,
40  typename ForceValueTypeForVtkDataArray = double>
41 struct ValueRange;
43 } // namespace detail
44 } // namespace vtk
46 // The export macro below makes no sense, but is necessary for older compilers
47 // when we export instantiations of this class from vtkCommonCore.
49 template <class ValueTypeT>
50 class VTKCOMMONCORE_EXPORT vtkAOSDataArrayTemplate
51  : public vtkGenericDataArray<vtkAOSDataArrayTemplate<ValueTypeT>, ValueTypeT>
52 {
55  // Friendship required by vtkDataArray(Value/Tuple)Range so that it can access the memory buffer
56  // which is required to avoid accessing raw pointers that might no longer be valid.
57  template <typename ArrayType, vtk::ComponentIdType TupleSize>
58  friend struct vtk::detail::TupleRange;
59  template <typename ArrayType, vtk::ComponentIdType TupleSize,
60  typename ForceValueTypeForVtkDataArray>
61  friend struct vtk::detail::ValueRange;
63 public:
66  typedef typename Superclass::ValueType ValueType;
69  {
74  };
81  ValueType GetValue(vtkIdType valueIdx) const
82  VTK_EXPECTS(0 <= valueIdx && valueIdx < GetNumberOfValues())
83  {
84  return this->Buffer->GetBuffer()[valueIdx];
85  }
91  VTK_EXPECTS(0 <= valueIdx && valueIdx < GetNumberOfValues())
92  {
93  this->Buffer->GetBuffer()[valueIdx] = value;
94  }
100  void GetTypedTuple(vtkIdType tupleIdx, ValueType* tuple) const
101  VTK_EXPECTS(0 <= tupleIdx && tupleIdx < GetNumberOfTuples())
102  {
103  const vtkIdType valueIdx = tupleIdx * this->NumberOfComponents;
104  std::copy(this->Buffer->GetBuffer() + valueIdx,
105  this->Buffer->GetBuffer() + valueIdx + this->NumberOfComponents, tuple);
106  }
113  void SetTypedTuple(vtkIdType tupleIdx, const ValueType* tuple)
114  VTK_EXPECTS(0 <= tupleIdx && tupleIdx < GetNumberOfTuples())
115  {
116  const vtkIdType valueIdx = tupleIdx * this->NumberOfComponents;
117  std::copy(tuple, tuple + this->NumberOfComponents, this->Buffer->GetBuffer() + valueIdx);
118  }
124  ValueType GetTypedComponent(vtkIdType tupleIdx, int comp) const VTK_EXPECTS(0 <= tupleIdx &&
125  tupleIdx < GetNumberOfTuples()) VTK_EXPECTS(0 <= comp && comp < GetNumberOfComponents())
126  {
127  return this->Buffer->GetBuffer()[this->NumberOfComponents * tupleIdx + comp];
128  }
134  void SetTypedComponent(vtkIdType tupleIdx, int comp, ValueType value) VTK_EXPECTS(0 <= tupleIdx &&
135  tupleIdx < GetNumberOfTuples()) VTK_EXPECTS(0 <= comp && comp < GetNumberOfComponents())
136  {
137  const vtkIdType valueIdx = tupleIdx * this->NumberOfComponents + comp;
138  this->SetValue(valueIdx, value);
139  }
146  void FillTypedComponent(int compIdx, ValueType value) override;
153  void FillValue(ValueType value) override;
154  void Fill(double value) override;
163  ValueType* WritePointer(vtkIdType valueIdx, vtkIdType numValues);
164  void* WriteVoidPointer(vtkIdType valueIdx, vtkIdType numValues) override;
176  void* GetVoidPointer(vtkIdType valueIdx) override;
194  void SetArray(VTK_ZEROCOPY ValueType* array, vtkIdType size, int save, int deleteMethod);
196  void SetVoidArray(void* array, vtkIdType size, int save) override;
197  void SetVoidArray(void* array, vtkIdType size, int save, int deleteMethod) override;
206  void SetArrayFreeFunction(void (*callback)(void*)) override;
208  // Overridden for optimized implementations:
209  void SetTuple(vtkIdType tupleIdx, const float* tuple) override;
210  void SetTuple(vtkIdType tupleIdx, const double* tuple) override;
211  // MSVC doesn't like 'using' here (error C2487). Just forward instead:
212  // using Superclass::SetTuple;
213  void SetTuple(vtkIdType dstTupleIdx, vtkIdType srcTupleIdx, vtkAbstractArray* source) override
214  {
215  this->Superclass::SetTuple(dstTupleIdx, srcTupleIdx, source);
216  }
217  void InsertTuple(vtkIdType tupleIdx, const float* source) override;
218  void InsertTuple(vtkIdType tupleIdx, const double* source) override;
219  // MSVC doesn't like 'using' here (error C2487). Just forward instead:
220  // using Superclass::InsertTuple;
221  void InsertTuple(vtkIdType dstTupleIdx, vtkIdType srcTupleIdx, vtkAbstractArray* source) override
222  {
223  this->Superclass::InsertTuple(dstTupleIdx, srcTupleIdx, source);
224  }
225  void InsertComponent(vtkIdType tupleIdx, int compIdx, double value) override;
226  vtkIdType InsertNextTuple(const float* tuple) override;
227  vtkIdType InsertNextTuple(const double* tuple) override;
228  // MSVC doesn't like 'using' here (error C2487). Just forward instead:
229  // using Superclass::InsertNextTuple;
231  {
232  return this->Superclass::InsertNextTuple(srcTupleIdx, source);
233  }
234  void GetTuple(vtkIdType tupleIdx, double* tuple) override;
235  double* GetTuple(vtkIdType tupleIdx) override;
253  typedef ValueType* Iterator;
254  Iterator Begin() { return Iterator(this->GetVoidPointer(0)); }
255  Iterator End() { return Iterator(this->GetVoidPointer(this->MaxId + 1)); }
268  int GetArrayType() const override { return vtkAbstractArray::AoSDataArrayTemplate; }
270  bool HasStandardMemoryLayout() const override { return true; }
271  void ShallowCopy(vtkDataArray* other) override;
273  // Reimplemented for efficiency:
275  vtkIdType dstStart, vtkIdType n, vtkIdType srcStart, vtkAbstractArray* source) override;
276  // MSVC doesn't like 'using' here (error C2487). Just forward instead:
277  // using Superclass::InsertTuples;
278  void InsertTuples(vtkIdList* dstIds, vtkIdList* srcIds, vtkAbstractArray* source) override
279  {
280  this->Superclass::InsertTuples(dstIds, srcIds, source);
281  }
283  vtkIdType dstStart, vtkIdList* srcIds, vtkAbstractArray* source) override
284  {
285  this->Superclass::InsertTuplesStartingAt(dstStart, srcIds, source);
286  }
288 protected:
296  bool AllocateTuples(vtkIdType numTuples);
302  bool ReallocateTuples(vtkIdType numTuples);
306 private:
308  void operator=(const vtkAOSDataArrayTemplate&) = delete;
310  friend class vtkGenericDataArray<vtkAOSDataArrayTemplate<ValueTypeT>, ValueTypeT>;
311 };
313 // Declare vtkArrayDownCast implementations for AoS containers:
318 // This macro is used by the subclasses to create dummy
319 // declarations for these functions such that the wrapper
320 // can see them. The wrappers ignore vtkAOSDataArrayTemplate.
321 #define vtkCreateWrappedArrayInterface(T) \
322  vtkCreateReadOnlyWrappedArrayInterface(T) void SetTypedTuple(vtkIdType i, const T* tuple) \
323  VTK_EXPECTS(0 <= i && i < GetNumberOfTuples()); \
324  void InsertTypedTuple(vtkIdType i, const T* tuple) VTK_EXPECTS(0 <= i); \
325  vtkIdType InsertNextTypedTuple(const T* tuple); \
326  void SetValue(vtkIdType id, T value) VTK_EXPECTS(0 <= id && id < GetNumberOfValues()); \
327  bool SetNumberOfValues(vtkIdType number) override; \
328  void InsertValue(vtkIdType id, T f) VTK_EXPECTS(0 <= id); \
329  vtkIdType InsertNextValue(T f); \
330  T* WritePointer(vtkIdType id, vtkIdType number); \
331  T* GetPointer(vtkIdType id); \
332  void SetArray(VTK_ZEROCOPY T* array, vtkIdType size, int save); \
333  void SetArray(VTK_ZEROCOPY T* array, vtkIdType size, int save, int deleteMethod)
335 #define vtkCreateReadOnlyWrappedArrayInterface(T) \
336  int GetDataType() const override; \
337  void GetTypedTuple(vtkIdType i, T* tuple) VTK_EXPECTS(0 <= i && i < GetNumberOfTuples()); \
338  T GetValue(vtkIdType id) const VTK_EXPECTS(0 <= id && id < GetNumberOfValues()); \
339  T* GetValueRange(int comp) VTK_SIZEHINT(2); \
340  T* GetValueRange() VTK_SIZEHINT(2);
342 #endif // header guard
344 // This portion must be OUTSIDE the include blockers. This is used to tell
345 // libraries other than vtkCommonCore that instantiations of
346 // vtkAOSDataArrayTemplate can be found externally. This prevents each library
347 // from instantiating these on their own.
350  namespace vtkDataArrayPrivate \
351  { \
353  VTK_INSTANTIATE_VALUERANGE_ARRAYTYPE(vtkAOSDataArrayTemplate<T>, double); \
355  } \
357  template class VTKCOMMONCORE_EXPORT vtkAOSDataArrayTemplate<T>; \
360 #elif defined(VTK_USE_EXTERN_TEMPLATE)
363 #ifdef _MSC_VER
364 #pragma warning(push)
365 // The following is needed when the vtkAOSDataArrayTemplate is declared
366 // dllexport and is used from another class in vtkCommonCore
367 #pragma warning(disable : 4910) // extern and dllexport incompatible
368 #endif
370 vtkExternTemplateMacro(extern template class VTKCOMMONCORE_EXPORT vtkAOSDataArrayTemplate);
372 #ifdef _MSC_VER
373 #pragma warning(pop)
374 #endif
377 // The following clause is only for MSVC
378 #elif defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(VTK_BUILD_SHARED_LIBS)
379 #pragma warning(push)
381 // C4091: 'extern ' : ignored on left of 'int' when no variable is declared
382 #pragma warning(disable : 4091)
384 // Compiler-specific extension warning.
385 #pragma warning(disable : 4231)
387 // We need to disable warning 4910 and do an extern dllexport
388 // anyway. When deriving vtkCharArray and other types from an
389 // instantiation of this template the compiler does an explicit
390 // instantiation of the base class. From outside the vtkCommon
391 // library we block this using an extern dllimport instantiation.
392 // For classes inside vtkCommon we should be able to just do an
393 // extern instantiation, but VS complains about missing
394 // definitions. We cannot do an extern dllimport inside vtkCommon
395 // since the symbols are local to the dll. An extern dllexport
396 // seems to be the only way to convince VS to do the right
397 // thing, so we just disable the warning.
398 #pragma warning(disable : 4910) // extern and dllexport incompatible
400 // Use an "extern explicit instantiation" to give the class a DLL
401 // interface. This is a compiler-specific extension.
403 vtkInstantiateTemplateMacro(extern template class VTKCOMMONCORE_EXPORT vtkAOSDataArrayTemplate);
406 #pragma warning(pop)
408 #endif
410 // VTK-HeaderTest-Exclude: vtkAOSDataArrayTemplate.h
Array-Of-Structs implementation of vtkGenericDataArray.
vtkArrayIterator * NewIterator() override
Subclasses must override this method and provide the right kind of templated vtkArrayIteratorTemplate...
static vtkAOSDataArrayTemplate * New()
void SetVoidArray(void *array, vtkIdType size, int save) override
This method lets the user specify data to be held by the array.
void SetArray(ValueType *array, vtkIdType size, int save)
This method lets the user specify data to be held by the array.
void SetTuple(vtkIdType tupleIdx, const float *tuple) override
Set the data tuple at tupleIdx.
ValueType * WritePointer(vtkIdType valueIdx, vtkIdType numValues)
Get the address of a particular data index.
void InsertTuple(vtkIdType dstTupleIdx, vtkIdType srcTupleIdx, vtkAbstractArray *source) override
Insert the tuple at srcTupleIdx in the source array into this array at dstTupleIdx.
void SetTuple(vtkIdType tupleIdx, const double *tuple) override
Set the data tuple at tupleIdx.
void SetTypedTuple(vtkIdType tupleIdx, const ValueType *tuple)
Set this array's tuple at tupleIdx to the values in tuple.
void * WriteVoidPointer(vtkIdType valueIdx, vtkIdType numValues) override
Get the address of a particular data index.
void InsertTuples(vtkIdType dstStart, vtkIdType n, vtkIdType srcStart, vtkAbstractArray *source) override
Copy n consecutive tuples starting at srcStart from the source array to this array,...
void InsertTuplesStartingAt(vtkIdType dstStart, vtkIdList *srcIds, vtkAbstractArray *source) override
Copy the tuples indexed in srcIds from the source array to the tuple locations starting at index dstS...
void SetTuple(vtkIdType dstTupleIdx, vtkIdType srcTupleIdx, vtkAbstractArray *source) override
Set the tuple at dstTupleIdx in this array to the tuple at srcTupleIdx in the source array.
void DataElementChanged(vtkIdType)
Tell the array explicitly that a single data element has changed.
void SetVoidArray(void *array, vtkIdType size, int save, int deleteMethod) override
This method lets the user specify data to be held by the array.
void InsertTuples(vtkIdList *dstIds, vtkIdList *srcIds, vtkAbstractArray *source) override
Copy the tuples indexed in srcIds from the source array to the tuple locations indexed by dstIds in t...
void * GetVoidPointer(vtkIdType valueIdx) override
Get the address of a particular data index.
void FillValue(ValueType value) override
Set all the values in array to value.
ValueType * GetPointer(vtkIdType valueIdx)
Get the address of a particular data index.
vtkIdType InsertNextTuple(vtkIdType srcTupleIdx, vtkAbstractArray *source) override
Insert the tuple from srcTupleIdx in the source array at the end of this array.
void InsertTuple(vtkIdType tupleIdx, const float *source) override
Insert the data tuple at tupleIdx.
void SetTypedComponent(vtkIdType tupleIdx, int comp, ValueType value)
Set component comp of the tuple at tupleIdx to value.
static vtkAOSDataArrayTemplate< ValueType > * FastDownCast(vtkAbstractArray *source)
Perform a fast, safe cast from a vtkAbstractArray to a vtkAOSDataArrayTemplate.
void SetArray(ValueType *array, vtkIdType size, int save, int deleteMethod)
This method lets the user specify data to be held by the array.
void SetArrayFreeFunction(void(*callback)(void *)) override
This method allows the user to specify a custom free function to be called when the array is dealloca...
bool ReallocateTuples(vtkIdType numTuples)
Allocate space for numTuples.
void GetTuple(vtkIdType tupleIdx, double *tuple) override
Get the data tuple at tupleIdx by filling in a user-provided array, Make sure that your array is larg...
double * GetTuple(vtkIdType tupleIdx) override
Get the data tuple at tupleIdx.
void InsertTuple(vtkIdType tupleIdx, const double *source) override
Insert the data tuple at tupleIdx.
bool HasStandardMemoryLayout() const override
Returns true if this array uses the standard memory layout defined in the VTK user guide,...
vtkIdType InsertNextTuple(const float *tuple) override
Insert the data tuple at the end of the array and return the tuple index at which the data was insert...
void FillTypedComponent(int compIdx, ValueType value) override
Set component comp of all tuples to value.
void Fill(double value) override
Set all the values in array to value.
void InsertComponent(vtkIdType tupleIdx, int compIdx, double value) override
Insert value at the location specified by tupleIdx and compIdx.
vtkTemplateTypeMacro(SelfType, GenericDataArrayType)
void SetValue(vtkIdType valueIdx, ValueType value)
Set the value at valueIdx to value.
~vtkAOSDataArrayTemplate() override
void ShallowCopy(vtkDataArray *other) override
Create a shallow copy of other into this, if possible.
void GetTypedTuple(vtkIdType tupleIdx, ValueType *tuple) const
Copy the tuple at tupleIdx into tuple.
int GetArrayType() const override
Method for type-checking in FastDownCast implementations.
bool AllocateTuples(vtkIdType numTuples)
Allocate space for numTuples.
ValueType GetTypedComponent(vtkIdType tupleIdx, int comp) const
Get component comp of the tuple at tupleIdx.
ValueType GetValue(vtkIdType valueIdx) const
Get the value at valueIdx.
ValueType * Iterator
Legacy support for array-of-structs value iteration.
vtkAOSDataArrayTemplate< ValueTypeT > SelfType
vtkBuffer< ValueType > * Buffer
vtkIdType InsertNextTuple(const double *tuple) override
Insert the data tuple at the end of the array and return the tuple index at which the data was insert...
Superclass::ValueType ValueType
Abstract superclass for all arrays.
vtkIdType GetNumberOfTuples() const
Get the number of complete tuples (a component group) in the array.
vtkIdType GetNumberOfValues() const
Get the total number of values in the array.
Abstract superclass to iterate over elements in an vtkAbstractArray.
abstract superclass for arrays of numeric data
Definition: vtkDataArray.h:155
Base interface for all typed vtkDataArray subclasses.
void DataChanged() override
Tell the array explicitly that the data has changed.
void * GetVoidPointer(vtkIdType valueIdx) override
Default implementation raises a runtime error.
list of point or cell ids
Definition: vtkIdList.h:133
void SetValue(vtkIdType valueIdx, ValueType value)
Set the value at valueIdx to value.
@ value
Definition: vtkX3D.h:220
@ size
Definition: vtkX3D.h:253
Specialization of tuple ranges and iterators for vtkAOSDataArrayTemplate.
int ComponentIdType
vtkExternTemplateMacro(extern template class VTKCOMMONCORE_EXPORT vtkAOSDataArrayTemplate)
vtkInstantiateTemplateMacro(extern template class VTKCOMMONCORE_EXPORT vtkArrayIteratorTemplate)
boost::graph_traits< vtkGraph * >::vertex_descriptor source(boost::graph_traits< vtkGraph * >::edge_descriptor e, vtkGraph *)
This file contains a variety of metaprogramming constructs for working with vtkDataArrays.
int vtkIdType
Definition: vtkType.h:315
void save(Archiver &ar, const std::string &str, const unsigned int vtkNotUsed(version))
#define VTK_EXPECTS(x)