VTK  9.3.20240418
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
2 // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
19 #ifndef vtkBitArray_h
20 #define vtkBitArray_h
22 #include "vtkCommonCoreModule.h" // For export macro
23 #include "vtkDataArray.h"
26 class vtkBitArrayLookup;
28 class VTKCOMMONCORE_EXPORT vtkBitArray : public vtkDataArray
29 {
30 public:
32  {
37  };
39  static vtkBitArray* New();
40  vtkTypeMacro(vtkBitArray, vtkDataArray);
41  void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) override;
47  vtkTypeBool Allocate(vtkIdType sz, vtkIdType ext = 1000) override;
52  void Initialize() override;
54  // satisfy vtkDataArray API
55  int GetDataType() const override { return VTK_BIT; }
56  int GetDataTypeSize() const override { return 0; }
61  void SetNumberOfTuples(vtkIdType number) override;
67  bool SetNumberOfValues(vtkIdType number) override;
94  void InsertTuples(vtkIdList* dstIds, vtkIdList* srcIds, vtkAbstractArray* source) override;
104  vtkIdType dstStart, vtkIdList* srcIds, vtkAbstractArray* source) override;
114  vtkIdType dstStart, vtkIdType n, vtkIdType srcStart, vtkAbstractArray* source) override;
129  double* GetTuple(vtkIdType i) override;
134  void GetTuple(vtkIdType i, double* tuple) override;
142  void SetTuple(vtkIdType i, const float* tuple) override;
143  void SetTuple(vtkIdType i, const double* tuple) override;
153  void InsertTuple(vtkIdType i, const float* tuple) override;
154  void InsertTuple(vtkIdType i, const double* tuple) override;
163  vtkIdType InsertNextTuple(const float* tuple) override;
164  vtkIdType InsertNextTuple(const double* tuple) override;
175  void RemoveTuple(vtkIdType id) override;
176  void RemoveFirstTuple() override;
177  void RemoveLastTuple() override;
188  void SetComponent(vtkIdType i, int j, double c) override;
193  void Squeeze() override;
198  vtkTypeBool Resize(vtkIdType numTuples) override;
203  int GetValue(vtkIdType id) const;
211  void SetValue(vtkIdType id, int value);
218  void InsertValue(vtkIdType id, int i);
225  void SetVariantValue(vtkIdType idx, vtkVariant value) override;
232  void InsertVariantValue(vtkIdType idx, vtkVariant value) override;
234  vtkIdType InsertNextValue(int i);
242  void InsertComponent(vtkIdType i, int j, double c) override;
247  unsigned char* GetPointer(vtkIdType id) { return this->Array + id / 8; }
254  unsigned char* WritePointer(vtkIdType id, vtkIdType number);
256  void* WriteVoidPointer(vtkIdType id, vtkIdType number) override
257  {
258  return this->WritePointer(id, number);
259  }
261  void* GetVoidPointer(vtkIdType id) override { return static_cast<void*>(this->GetPointer(id)); }
266  void DeepCopy(vtkDataArray* da) override;
267  void DeepCopy(vtkAbstractArray* aa) override { this->Superclass::DeepCopy(aa); }
281 #ifndef __VTK_WRAP__
282  void SetArray(
283  unsigned char* array, vtkIdType size, int save, int deleteMethod = VTK_DATA_ARRAY_DELETE);
284 #endif
285  void SetVoidArray(void* array, vtkIdType size, int save) override
286  {
287  this->SetArray(static_cast<unsigned char*>(array), size, save);
288  }
289  void SetVoidArray(void* array, vtkIdType size, int save, int deleteMethod) override
290  {
291  this->SetArray(static_cast<unsigned char*>(array), size, save, deleteMethod);
292  }
301  void SetArrayFreeFunction(void (*callback)(void*)) override;
313  void LookupValue(vtkVariant value, vtkIdList* ids) override;
315  void LookupValue(int value, vtkIdList* ids);
326  void DataChanged() override;
333  void ClearLookup() override;
335 protected:
337  ~vtkBitArray() override;
352  unsigned char* Array; // pointer to data
353  unsigned char* ResizeAndExtend(vtkIdType sz);
354  // function to resize data
356  int TupleSize; // used for data conversion
357  double* Tuple;
359  void (*DeleteFunction)(void*);
361 private:
362  // hide superclass' DeepCopy() from the user and the compiler
363  void DeepCopy(vtkDataArray& da) { this->vtkDataArray::DeepCopy(&da); }
365  vtkBitArray(const vtkBitArray&) = delete;
366  void operator=(const vtkBitArray&) = delete;
368  vtkBitArrayLookup* Lookup;
369  void UpdateLookup();
370 };
373 {
374  this->Array[id / 8] =
375  static_cast<unsigned char>((value != 0) ? (this->Array[id / 8] | (0x80 >> id % 8))
376  : (this->Array[id / 8] & (~(0x80 >> id % 8))));
377  this->DataChanged();
378 }
380 inline void vtkBitArray::InsertValue(vtkIdType id, int i)
381 {
382  if (id >= this->Size)
383  {
384  if (!this->ResizeAndExtend(id + 1))
385  {
386  return;
387  }
388  }
389  this->Array[id / 8] =
390  static_cast<unsigned char>((i != 0) ? (this->Array[id / 8] | (0x80 >> id % 8))
391  : (this->Array[id / 8] & (~(0x80 >> id % 8))));
392  if (id > this->MaxId)
393  {
394  this->MaxId = id;
396  }
397  this->DataChanged();
398 }
401 {
402  this->SetValue(id, value.ToInt());
403 }
406 {
407  this->InsertValue(id, value.ToInt());
408 }
411 {
412  this->InsertValue(this->MaxId + 1, i);
413  this->DataChanged();
414  return this->MaxId;
415 }
417 inline void vtkBitArray::Squeeze()
418 {
419  this->ResizeAndExtend(this->MaxId + 1);
420 }
422 #endif
Abstract superclass for all arrays.
virtual void DeepCopy(vtkAbstractArray *da)
Deep copy of data.
virtual void SetVariantValue(vtkIdType valueIdx, vtkVariant value)=0
Set a value in the array from a variant.
virtual void InsertVariantValue(vtkIdType valueIdx, vtkVariant value)=0
Insert a value into the array from a variant.
virtual void Squeeze()=0
Free any unnecessary memory.
Abstract superclass to iterate over elements in an vtkAbstractArray.
dynamic, self-adjusting array of bits
Definition: vtkBitArray.h:29
int GetValue(vtkIdType id) const
Get the data at a particular index.
vtkIdType InsertNextTuple(vtkIdType j, vtkAbstractArray *source) override
Insert the jth tuple in the source array, at the end in this array.
vtkIdType InsertNextTuple(const double *tuple) override
Insert (memory allocation performed) the tuple onto the end of the array.
void DataChanged() override
Tell the array explicitly that the data has changed.
unsigned char * GetPointer(vtkIdType id)
Direct manipulation of the underlying data.
Definition: vtkBitArray.h:247
double * GetTuple(vtkIdType i) override
Get a pointer to a tuple at the ith location.
void InsertTuples(vtkIdType dstStart, vtkIdType n, vtkIdType srcStart, vtkAbstractArray *source) override
Copy n consecutive tuples starting at srcStart from the source array to this array,...
void SetNumberOfTuples(vtkIdType number) override
Set the number of n-tuples in the array.
void SetVariantValue(vtkIdType idx, vtkVariant value) override
Set a value in the array from a variant.
Definition: vtkBitArray.h:400
void SetValue(vtkIdType id, int value)
Set the data at a particular index.
Definition: vtkBitArray.h:372
vtkTypeBool Allocate(vtkIdType sz, vtkIdType ext=1000) override
Allocate memory for this array.
void InsertTuple(vtkIdType i, const double *tuple) override
Insert (memory allocation performed) the tuple into the ith location in the array.
void GetTuple(vtkIdType i, double *tuple) override
Copy the tuple value into a user-provided array.
void LookupValue(vtkVariant value, vtkIdList *ids) override
Return the indices where a specific value appears.
void SetTuple(vtkIdType i, const double *tuple) override
Set the tuple value at the ith location in the array.
unsigned char * ResizeAndExtend(vtkIdType sz)
void InsertComponent(vtkIdType i, int j, double c) override
Insert the data component at ith tuple and jth component location.
void LookupValue(int value, vtkIdList *ids)
Return the indices where a specific value appears.
void DeepCopy(vtkAbstractArray *aa) override
Deep copy of data.
Definition: vtkBitArray.h:267
void SetComponent(vtkIdType i, int j, double c) override
Set the data component at the ith tuple and jth component location.
void SetTuple(vtkIdType i, const float *tuple) override
Set the tuple value at the ith location in the array.
vtkArrayIterator * NewIterator() override
Returns a new vtkBitArrayIterator instance.
vtkIdType InsertNextTuple(const float *tuple) override
Insert (memory allocation performed) the tuple onto the end of the array.
vtkTypeBool Resize(vtkIdType numTuples) override
Resize the array while conserving the data.
void InsertValue(vtkIdType id, int i)
Inserts values and checks to make sure there is enough memory.
Definition: vtkBitArray.h:380
void RemoveFirstTuple() override
These methods remove tuples from the data array.
double * Tuple
Definition: vtkBitArray.h:357
void InsertTuple(vtkIdType i, const float *tuple) override
Insert (memory allocation performed) the tuple into the ith location in the array.
void Initialize() override
Release storage and reset array to initial state.
void InsertTuplesStartingAt(vtkIdType dstStart, vtkIdList *srcIds, vtkAbstractArray *source) override
Copy the tuples indexed in srcIds from the source array to the tuple locations starting at index dstS...
bool SetNumberOfValues(vtkIdType number) override
In addition to setting the number of values, this method also sets the unused bits of the last byte o...
void SetVoidArray(void *array, vtkIdType size, int save, int deleteMethod) override
This method lets the user specify data to be held by the array.
Definition: vtkBitArray.h:289
unsigned char * WritePointer(vtkIdType id, vtkIdType number)
Get the address of a particular data index.
void SetArrayFreeFunction(void(*callback)(void *)) override
This method allows the user to specify a custom free function to be called when the array is dealloca...
vtkIdType InsertNextValue(int i)
Definition: vtkBitArray.h:410
void InsertTuple(vtkIdType i, vtkIdType j, vtkAbstractArray *source) override
Insert the jth tuple in the source array, at ith location in this array.
void PrintSelf(ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override
Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses.
void SetVoidArray(void *array, vtkIdType size, int save) override
This method lets the user specify data to be held by the array.
Definition: vtkBitArray.h:285
void RemoveTuple(vtkIdType id) override
These methods remove tuples from the data array.
void * GetVoidPointer(vtkIdType id) override
Return a void pointer.
Definition: vtkBitArray.h:261
void * WriteVoidPointer(vtkIdType id, vtkIdType number) override
Get the address of a particular data index.
Definition: vtkBitArray.h:256
~vtkBitArray() override
unsigned char * Array
Definition: vtkBitArray.h:352
int GetDataTypeSize() const override
Return the size of the underlying data type.
Definition: vtkBitArray.h:56
void RemoveLastTuple() override
These methods remove tuples from the data array.
void SetTuple(vtkIdType i, vtkIdType j, vtkAbstractArray *source) override
Set the tuple at the ith location using the jth tuple in the source array.
void DeepCopy(vtkDataArray *da) override
Deep copy of another bit array.
void InsertTuples(vtkIdList *dstIds, vtkIdList *srcIds, vtkAbstractArray *source) override
Copy the tuples indexed in srcIds from the source array to the tuple locations indexed by dstIds in t...
void SetArray(unsigned char *array, vtkIdType size, int save, int deleteMethod=VTK_DATA_ARRAY_DELETE)
This method lets the user specify data to be held by the array.
int GetDataType() const override
Return the underlying data type.
Definition: vtkBitArray.h:55
vtkIdType LookupValue(int value)
Return the indices where a specific value appears.
vtkIdType LookupValue(vtkVariant value) override
Return the indices where a specific value appears.
void InsertVariantValue(vtkIdType idx, vtkVariant value) override
Inserts values from a variant and checks to ensure there is enough memory.
Definition: vtkBitArray.h:405
void Squeeze() override
Free any unneeded memory.
Definition: vtkBitArray.h:417
virtual void InitializeUnusedBitsInLastByte()
This method should be called whenever MaxId needs to be changed, as this method fills the unused bits...
void ClearLookup() override
Delete the associated fast lookup data structure on this array, if it exists.
static vtkBitArray * New()
abstract superclass for arrays of numeric data
Definition: vtkDataArray.h:155
void DeepCopy(vtkAbstractArray *aa) override
Deep copy of data.
list of point or cell ids
Definition: vtkIdList.h:133
a simple class to control print indentation
Definition: vtkIndent.h:108
A type representing the union of many types.
Definition: vtkVariant.h:162
int ToInt(bool *valid) const
Convert the variant to a numeric type: If it holds a numeric, cast to the appropriate type.
@ value
Definition: vtkX3D.h:220
@ size
Definition: vtkX3D.h:253
int vtkTypeBool
Definition: vtkABI.h:64
boost::graph_traits< vtkGraph * >::vertex_descriptor source(boost::graph_traits< vtkGraph * >::edge_descriptor e, vtkGraph *)
int vtkIdType
Definition: vtkType.h:315
#define VTK_BIT
Definition: vtkType.h:32
void save(Archiver &ar, const std::string &str, const unsigned int vtkNotUsed(version))