VTK  9.3.20240419
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
2 // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2011 Sandia Corporation
3 // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-BSD-3-Clause-Sandia-USGov
133 #ifndef vtkMath_h
134 #define vtkMath_h
136 #include "vtkCommonCoreModule.h" // For export macro
137 #include "vtkMathPrivate.hxx" // For Matrix meta-class helpers
138 #include "vtkMatrixUtilities.h" // For Matrix wrapping / mapping
139 #include "vtkObject.h"
140 #include "vtkSmartPointer.h" // For vtkSmartPointer.
141 #include "vtkTypeTraits.h" // For type traits
143 #include "vtkMathConfigure.h" // For <cmath> and VTK_HAS_ISNAN etc.
145 #include <algorithm> // for std::clamp
146 #include <cassert> // assert() in inline implementations.
147 #include <type_traits> // for type_traits
149 #ifndef DBL_MIN
150 #define VTK_DBL_MIN 2.2250738585072014e-308
151 #else // DBL_MIN
152 #define VTK_DBL_MIN DBL_MIN
153 #endif // DBL_MIN
155 #ifndef DBL_EPSILON
156 #define VTK_DBL_EPSILON 2.2204460492503131e-16
157 #else // DBL_EPSILON
159 #endif // DBL_EPSILON
161 #ifndef VTK_DBL_EPSILON
162 #ifndef DBL_EPSILON
163 #define VTK_DBL_EPSILON 2.2204460492503131e-16
164 #else // DBL_EPSILON
166 #endif // DBL_EPSILON
167 #endif // VTK_DBL_EPSILON
170 class vtkDataArray;
171 class vtkPoints;
172 class vtkMathInternal;
177 namespace vtk_detail
178 {
180 // forward declaration
181 template <typename OutT>
182 void RoundDoubleToIntegralIfNecessary(double val, OutT* ret);
184 } // end namespace vtk_detail
187 class VTKCOMMONCORE_EXPORT vtkMath : public vtkObject
188 {
189 public:
190  static vtkMath* New();
191  vtkTypeMacro(vtkMath, vtkObject);
192  void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) override;
194 private:
195  template <class VectorT, class = void>
196  struct VectorImplementsSize : std::false_type
197  {
198  };
200  template <class VectorT>
201  struct VectorImplementsSize<VectorT, decltype((void)std::declval<VectorT>().size(), void())>
202  : std::true_type
203  {
204  };
209  template <class VectorT>
210  using EnableIfVectorImplementsSize =
213 public:
222  static constexpr int DYNAMIC_VECTOR_SIZE() { return 0; }
227  static constexpr double Pi() { return 3.141592653589793; }
233  static float RadiansFromDegrees(float degrees);
234  static double RadiansFromDegrees(double degrees);
241  static float DegreesFromRadians(float radians);
242  static double DegreesFromRadians(double radians);
248 #if 1
249  static int Round(float f) { return static_cast<int>(f + (f >= 0.0 ? 0.5 : -0.5)); }
250  static int Round(double f) { return static_cast<int>(f + (f >= 0.0 ? 0.5 : -0.5)); }
251 #endif
257  template <typename OutT>
258  static void RoundDoubleToIntegralIfNecessary(double val, OutT* ret)
259  {
260  // Can't specialize template methods in a template class, so we move the
261  // implementations to a external namespace.
263  }
270  static int Floor(double x);
277  static int Ceil(double x);
284  static int CeilLog2(vtkTypeUInt64 x);
290  template <class T>
291  static T Min(const T& a, const T& b);
297  template <class T>
298  static T Max(const T& a, const T& b);
303  static bool IsPowerOfTwo(vtkTypeUInt64 x);
310  static int NearestPowerOfTwo(int x);
316  static vtkTypeInt64 Factorial(int N);
323  static vtkTypeInt64 Binomial(int m, int n);
336  static int* BeginCombination(int m, int n);
348  static int NextCombination(int m, int n, int* combination);
353  static void FreeCombination(int* combination);
370  static void RandomSeed(int s);
383  static int GetSeed();
398  static double Random();
412  static double Random(double min, double max);
426  static double Gaussian();
440  static double Gaussian(double mean, double std);
446  template <class VectorT1, class VectorT2>
447  static void Assign(const VectorT1& a, VectorT2&& b)
448  {
449  b[0] = a[0];
450  b[1] = a[1];
451  b[2] = a[2];
452  }
457  static void Assign(const double a[3], double b[3]) { vtkMath::Assign<>(a, b); }
462  static void Add(const float a[3], const float b[3], float c[3])
463  {
464  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
465  {
466  c[i] = a[i] + b[i];
467  }
468  }
473  static void Add(const double a[3], const double b[3], double c[3])
474  {
475  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
476  {
477  c[i] = a[i] + b[i];
478  }
479  }
486  template <class VectorT1, class VectorT2, class VectorT3>
487  static void Add(VectorT1&& a, VectorT2&& b, VectorT3& c)
488  {
489  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
490  {
491  c[i] = a[i] + b[i];
492  }
493  }
498  static void Subtract(const float a[3], const float b[3], float c[3])
499  {
500  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
501  {
502  c[i] = a[i] - b[i];
503  }
504  }
509  static void Subtract(const double a[3], const double b[3], double c[3])
510  {
511  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
512  {
513  c[i] = a[i] - b[i];
514  }
515  }
522  template <class VectorT1, class VectorT2, class VectorT3>
523  static void Subtract(const VectorT1& a, const VectorT2& b, VectorT3&& c)
524  {
525  c[0] = a[0] - b[0];
526  c[1] = a[1] - b[1];
527  c[2] = a[2] - b[2];
528  }
534  static void MultiplyScalar(float a[3], float s)
535  {
536  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
537  {
538  a[i] *= s;
539  }
540  }
546  static void MultiplyScalar2D(float a[2], float s)
547  {
548  for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
549  {
550  a[i] *= s;
551  }
552  }
558  static void MultiplyScalar(double a[3], double s)
559  {
560  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
561  {
562  a[i] *= s;
563  }
564  }
570  static void MultiplyScalar2D(double a[2], double s)
571  {
572  for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
573  {
574  a[i] *= s;
575  }
576  }
581  static float Dot(const float a[3], const float b[3])
582  {
583  return a[0] * b[0] + a[1] * b[1] + a[2] * b[2];
584  }
589  static double Dot(const double a[3], const double b[3])
590  {
591  return a[0] * b[0] + a[1] * b[1] + a[2] * b[2];
592  }
609  template <typename ReturnTypeT = double, typename TupleRangeT1, typename TupleRangeT2,
610  typename EnableT = typename std::conditional<!std::is_pointer<TupleRangeT1>::value &&
612  TupleRangeT1, TupleRangeT2>::type::value_type>
613  static ReturnTypeT Dot(const TupleRangeT1& a, const TupleRangeT2& b)
614  {
615  return a[0] * b[0] + a[1] * b[1] + a[2] * b[2];
616  }
621  static void Outer(const float a[3], const float b[3], float c[3][3])
622  {
623  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
624  {
625  for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
626  {
627  c[i][j] = a[i] * b[j];
628  }
629  }
630  }
635  static void Outer(const double a[3], const double b[3], double c[3][3])
636  {
637  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
638  {
639  for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
640  {
641  c[i][j] = a[i] * b[j];
642  }
643  }
644  }
651  template <class VectorT1, class VectorT2, class VectorT3>
652  static void Cross(VectorT1&& a, VectorT2&& b, VectorT3& c);
658  static void Cross(const float a[3], const float b[3], float c[3]);
664  static void Cross(const double a[3], const double b[3], double c[3]);
670  static float Norm(const float* x, int n);
671  static double Norm(const double* x, int n);
677  static float Norm(const float v[3]) { return std::sqrt(v[0] * v[0] + v[1] * v[1] + v[2] * v[2]); }
682  static double Norm(const double v[3])
683  {
684  return std::sqrt(v[0] * v[0] + v[1] * v[1] + v[2] * v[2]);
685  }
696  template <typename ReturnTypeT = double, typename TupleRangeT>
697  static ReturnTypeT SquaredNorm(const TupleRangeT& v)
698  {
699  return v[0] * v[0] + v[1] * v[1] + v[2] * v[2];
700  }
706  static float Normalize(float v[3]);
712  static double Normalize(double v[3]);
722  static void Perpendiculars(const double v1[3], double v2[3], double v3[3], double theta);
723  static void Perpendiculars(const float v1[3], float v2[3], float v3[3], double theta);
732  static bool ProjectVector(const float a[3], const float b[3], float projection[3]);
733  static bool ProjectVector(const double a[3], const double b[3], double projection[3]);
743  static bool ProjectVector2D(const float a[2], const float b[2], float projection[2]);
744  static bool ProjectVector2D(const double a[2], const double b[2], double projection[2]);
762  template <typename ReturnTypeT = double, typename TupleRangeT1, typename TupleRangeT2,
763  typename EnableT = typename std::conditional<!std::is_pointer<TupleRangeT1>::value &&
765  TupleRangeT1, TupleRangeT2>::type::value_type>
766  static ReturnTypeT Distance2BetweenPoints(const TupleRangeT1& p1, const TupleRangeT2& p2);
772  static float Distance2BetweenPoints(const float p1[3], const float p2[3]);
778  static double Distance2BetweenPoints(const double p1[3], const double p2[3]);
783  static double AngleBetweenVectors(const double v1[3], const double v2[3]);
789  const double v1[3], const double v2[3], const double vn[3]);
795  static double GaussianAmplitude(double variance, double distanceFromMean);
801  static double GaussianAmplitude(double mean, double variance, double position);
808  static double GaussianWeight(double variance, double distanceFromMean);
815  static double GaussianWeight(double mean, double variance, double position);
820  static float Dot2D(const float x[2], const float y[2]) { return x[0] * y[0] + x[1] * y[1]; }
825  static double Dot2D(const double x[2], const double y[2]) { return x[0] * y[0] + x[1] * y[1]; }
830  static void Outer2D(const float x[2], const float y[2], float A[2][2])
831  {
832  for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
833  {
834  for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j)
835  {
836  A[i][j] = x[i] * y[j];
837  }
838  }
839  }
844  static void Outer2D(const double x[2], const double y[2], double A[2][2])
845  {
846  for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
847  {
848  for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j)
849  {
850  A[i][j] = x[i] * y[j];
851  }
852  }
853  }
859  static float Norm2D(const float x[2]) { return std::sqrt(x[0] * x[0] + x[1] * x[1]); }
865  static double Norm2D(const double x[2]) { return std::sqrt(x[0] * x[0] + x[1] * x[1]); }
871  static float Normalize2D(float v[2]);
877  static double Normalize2D(double v[2]);
882  static float Determinant2x2(const float c1[2], const float c2[2])
883  {
884  return c1[0] * c2[1] - c2[0] * c1[1];
885  }
891  static double Determinant2x2(double a, double b, double c, double d) { return a * d - b * c; }
892  static double Determinant2x2(const double c1[2], const double c2[2])
893  {
894  return c1[0] * c2[1] - c2[0] * c1[1];
895  }
902  static void LUFactor3x3(float A[3][3], int index[3]);
903  static void LUFactor3x3(double A[3][3], int index[3]);
910  static void LUSolve3x3(const float A[3][3], const int index[3], float x[3]);
911  static void LUSolve3x3(const double A[3][3], const int index[3], double x[3]);
919  static void LinearSolve3x3(const float A[3][3], const float x[3], float y[3]);
920  static void LinearSolve3x3(const double A[3][3], const double x[3], double y[3]);
927  static void Multiply3x3(const float A[3][3], const float v[3], float u[3]);
928  static void Multiply3x3(const double A[3][3], const double v[3], double u[3]);
935  static void Multiply3x3(const float A[3][3], const float B[3][3], float C[3][3]);
936  static void Multiply3x3(const double A[3][3], const double B[3][3], double C[3][3]);
962  template <int RowsT, int MidDimT, int ColsT,
963  class LayoutT1 = vtkMatrixUtilities::Layout::Identity,
964  class LayoutT2 = vtkMatrixUtilities::Layout::Identity, class MatrixT1, class MatrixT2,
965  class MatrixT3>
966  static void MultiplyMatrix(MatrixT1&& M1, MatrixT2&& M2, MatrixT3&& M3)
967  {
968  vtkMathPrivate::MultiplyMatrix<RowsT, MidDimT, ColsT, LayoutT1, LayoutT2>::Compute(
969  std::forward<MatrixT1>(M1), std::forward<MatrixT2>(M2), std::forward<MatrixT3>(M3));
970  }
992  template <int RowsT, int ColsT, class LayoutT = vtkMatrixUtilities::Layout::Identity,
993  class MatrixT, class VectorT1, class VectorT2>
994  static void MultiplyMatrixWithVector(MatrixT&& M, VectorT1&& X, VectorT2&& Y)
995  {
996  vtkMathPrivate::MultiplyMatrix<RowsT, ColsT, 1, LayoutT>::Compute(
997  std::forward<MatrixT>(M), std::forward<VectorT1>(X), std::forward<VectorT2>(Y));
998  }
1005  template <class ScalarT, int SizeT, class VectorT1, class VectorT2,
1006  class = typename std::enable_if<SizeT != DYNAMIC_VECTOR_SIZE()>::type>
1007  static ScalarT Dot(VectorT1&& x, VectorT2&& y)
1008  {
1009  return vtkMathPrivate::ContractRowWithCol<ScalarT, 1, SizeT, 1, 0, 0,
1010  vtkMatrixUtilities::Layout::Identity,
1011  vtkMatrixUtilities::Layout::Transpose>::Compute(std::forward<VectorT1>(x),
1012  std::forward<VectorT2>(y));
1013  }
1021  template <class ScalarT, int SizeT, class VectorT1, class VectorT2,
1022  class = typename std::enable_if<SizeT == DYNAMIC_VECTOR_SIZE()>::type,
1023  class = EnableIfVectorImplementsSize<VectorT1>>
1024  static ScalarT Dot(VectorT1&& x, VectorT2&& y)
1025  {
1026  ScalarT dot = 0.0;
1027  using SizeType = decltype(std::declval<VectorT1>().size());
1028  for (SizeType dim = 0; dim < x.size(); ++dim)
1029  {
1030  dot += x[dim] * y[dim];
1031  }
1032  return dot;
1033  }
1042  template <int SizeT, class VectorT>
1044  VectorT&& x)
1045  {
1047  return vtkMath::Dot<Scalar, SizeT>(std::forward<VectorT>(x), std::forward<VectorT>(x));
1048  }
1066  template <int SizeT, class LayoutT = vtkMatrixUtilities::Layout::Identity, class MatrixT>
1068  MatrixT&& M)
1069  {
1070  return vtkMathPrivate::Determinant<SizeT, LayoutT>::Compute(std::forward<MatrixT>(M));
1071  }
1088  template <int SizeT, class LayoutT = vtkMatrixUtilities::Layout::Identity, class MatrixT1,
1089  class MatrixT2>
1090  static void InvertMatrix(MatrixT1&& M1, MatrixT2&& M2)
1091  {
1092  vtkMathPrivate::InvertMatrix<SizeT, LayoutT>::Compute(
1093  std::forward<MatrixT1>(M1), std::forward<MatrixT2>(M2));
1094  }
1109  template <int RowsT, int ColsT, class LayoutT = vtkMatrixUtilities::Layout::Identity,
1110  class MatrixT, class VectorT1, class VectorT2>
1111  static void LinearSolve(MatrixT&& M, VectorT1&& x, VectorT2&& y)
1112  {
1113  vtkMathPrivate::LinearSolve<RowsT, ColsT, LayoutT>::Compute(
1114  std::forward<MatrixT>(M), std::forward<VectorT1>(x), std::forward<VectorT2>(y));
1115  }
1131  template <class ScalarT, int SizeT, class LayoutT = vtkMatrixUtilities::Layout::Identity,
1132  class VectorT1, class MatrixT, class VectorT2,
1133  class = typename std::enable_if<SizeT != DYNAMIC_VECTOR_SIZE()>::type>
1134  static ScalarT Dot(VectorT1&& x, MatrixT&& M, VectorT2&& y)
1135  {
1136  ScalarT tmp[SizeT];
1137  vtkMathPrivate::MultiplyMatrix<SizeT, SizeT, 1, LayoutT>::Compute(
1138  std::forward<MatrixT>(M), std::forward<VectorT2>(y), tmp);
1139  return vtkMathPrivate::ContractRowWithCol<ScalarT, 1, SizeT, 1, 0, 0,
1140  vtkMatrixUtilities::Layout::Identity,
1141  vtkMatrixUtilities::Layout::Transpose>::Compute(std::forward<VectorT1>(x), tmp);
1142  }
1149  static void MultiplyMatrix(const double* const* A, const double* const* B, unsigned int rowA,
1150  unsigned int colA, unsigned int rowB, unsigned int colB, double** C);
1157  static void Transpose3x3(const float A[3][3], float AT[3][3]);
1158  static void Transpose3x3(const double A[3][3], double AT[3][3]);
1166  static void Invert3x3(const float A[3][3], float AI[3][3]);
1167  static void Invert3x3(const double A[3][3], double AI[3][3]);
1174  static void Identity3x3(float A[3][3]);
1175  static void Identity3x3(double A[3][3]);
1182  static double Determinant3x3(const float A[3][3]);
1183  static double Determinant3x3(const double A[3][3]);
1189  static float Determinant3x3(const float c1[3], const float c2[3], const float c3[3]);
1194  static double Determinant3x3(const double c1[3], const double c2[3], const double c3[3]);
1202  static double Determinant3x3(double a1, double a2, double a3, double b1, double b2, double b3,
1203  double c1, double c2, double c3);
1213  static void QuaternionToMatrix3x3(const float quat[4], float A[3][3]);
1214  static void QuaternionToMatrix3x3(const double quat[4], double A[3][3]);
1215  template <class QuaternionT, class MatrixT,
1216  class EnableT = typename std::enable_if<!vtkMatrixUtilities::MatrixIs2DArray<MatrixT>()>::type>
1217  static void QuaternionToMatrix3x3(QuaternionT&& q, MatrixT&& A);
1230  static void Matrix3x3ToQuaternion(const float A[3][3], float quat[4]);
1231  static void Matrix3x3ToQuaternion(const double A[3][3], double quat[4]);
1232  template <class MatrixT, class QuaternionT,
1233  class EnableT = typename std::enable_if<!vtkMatrixUtilities::MatrixIs2DArray<MatrixT>()>::type>
1234  static void Matrix3x3ToQuaternion(MatrixT&& A, QuaternionT&& q);
1244  static void MultiplyQuaternion(const float q1[4], const float q2[4], float q[4]);
1245  static void MultiplyQuaternion(const double q1[4], const double q2[4], double q[4]);
1253  static void RotateVectorByNormalizedQuaternion(const float v[3], const float q[4], float r[3]);
1254  static void RotateVectorByNormalizedQuaternion(const double v[3], const double q[4], double r[3]);
1262  static void RotateVectorByWXYZ(const float v[3], const float q[4], float r[3]);
1263  static void RotateVectorByWXYZ(const double v[3], const double q[4], double r[3]);
1272  static void Orthogonalize3x3(const float A[3][3], float B[3][3]);
1273  static void Orthogonalize3x3(const double A[3][3], double B[3][3]);
1283  static void Diagonalize3x3(const float A[3][3], float w[3], float V[3][3]);
1284  static void Diagonalize3x3(const double A[3][3], double w[3], double V[3][3]);
1298  const float A[3][3], float U[3][3], float w[3], float VT[3][3]);
1300  const double A[3][3], double U[3][3], double w[3], double VT[3][3]);
1311  double a00, double a01, double a10, double a11, double b0, double b1, double& x0, double& x1);
1321  static vtkTypeBool SolveLinearSystem(double** A, double* x, int size);
1329  static vtkTypeBool InvertMatrix(double** A, double** AI, int size);
1337  double** A, double** AI, int size, int* tmp1Size, double* tmp2Size);
1361  static vtkTypeBool LUFactorLinearSystem(double** A, int* index, int size);
1368  static vtkTypeBool LUFactorLinearSystem(double** A, int* index, int size, double* tmpSize);
1378  static void LUSolveLinearSystem(double** A, int* index, double* x, int size);
1388  static double EstimateMatrixCondition(const double* const* A, int size);
1399  static vtkTypeBool Jacobi(float** a, float* w, float** v);
1400  static vtkTypeBool Jacobi(double** a, double* w, double** v);
1413  static vtkTypeBool JacobiN(float** a, int n, float* w, float** v);
1414  static vtkTypeBool JacobiN(double** a, int n, double* w, double** v);
1431  int numberOfSamples, double** xt, int xOrder, double** mt);
1447  static vtkTypeBool SolveLeastSquares(int numberOfSamples, double** xt, int xOrder, double** yt,
1448  int yOrder, double** mt, int checkHomogeneous = 1);
1458  static void RGBToHSV(const float rgb[3], float hsv[3])
1459  {
1460  RGBToHSV(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2], hsv, hsv + 1, hsv + 2);
1461  }
1462  static void RGBToHSV(float r, float g, float b, float* h, float* s, float* v);
1463  static void RGBToHSV(const double rgb[3], double hsv[3])
1464  {
1465  RGBToHSV(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2], hsv, hsv + 1, hsv + 2);
1466  }
1467  static void RGBToHSV(double r, double g, double b, double* h, double* s, double* v);
1478  static void HSVToRGB(const float hsv[3], float rgb[3])
1479  {
1480  HSVToRGB(hsv[0], hsv[1], hsv[2], rgb, rgb + 1, rgb + 2);
1481  }
1482  static void HSVToRGB(float h, float s, float v, float* r, float* g, float* b);
1483  static void HSVToRGB(const double hsv[3], double rgb[3])
1484  {
1485  HSVToRGB(hsv[0], hsv[1], hsv[2], rgb, rgb + 1, rgb + 2);
1486  }
1487  static void HSVToRGB(double h, double s, double v, double* r, double* g, double* b);
1494  static void LabToXYZ(const double lab[3], double xyz[3])
1495  {
1496  LabToXYZ(lab[0], lab[1], lab[2], xyz + 0, xyz + 1, xyz + 2);
1497  }
1498  static void LabToXYZ(double L, double a, double b, double* x, double* y, double* z);
1505  static void XYZToLab(const double xyz[3], double lab[3])
1506  {
1507  XYZToLab(xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2], lab + 0, lab + 1, lab + 2);
1508  }
1509  static void XYZToLab(double x, double y, double z, double* L, double* a, double* b);
1516  static void XYZToRGB(const double xyz[3], double rgb[3])
1517  {
1518  XYZToRGB(xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2], rgb + 0, rgb + 1, rgb + 2);
1519  }
1520  static void XYZToRGB(double x, double y, double z, double* r, double* g, double* b);
1527  static void RGBToXYZ(const double rgb[3], double xyz[3])
1528  {
1529  RGBToXYZ(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2], xyz + 0, xyz + 1, xyz + 2);
1530  }
1531  static void RGBToXYZ(double r, double g, double b, double* x, double* y, double* z);
1541  static void RGBToLab(const double rgb[3], double lab[3])
1542  {
1543  RGBToLab(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2], lab + 0, lab + 1, lab + 2);
1544  }
1545  static void RGBToLab(double red, double green, double blue, double* L, double* a, double* b);
1552  static void LabToRGB(const double lab[3], double rgb[3])
1553  {
1554  LabToRGB(lab[0], lab[1], lab[2], rgb + 0, rgb + 1, rgb + 2);
1555  }
1556  static void LabToRGB(double L, double a, double b, double* red, double* green, double* blue);
1563  static void UninitializeBounds(double bounds[6])
1564  {
1565  bounds[0] = 1.0;
1566  bounds[1] = -1.0;
1567  bounds[2] = 1.0;
1568  bounds[3] = -1.0;
1569  bounds[4] = 1.0;
1570  bounds[5] = -1.0;
1571  }
1578  static vtkTypeBool AreBoundsInitialized(const double bounds[6])
1579  {
1580  if (bounds[1] - bounds[0] < 0.0)
1581  {
1582  return 0;
1583  }
1584  return 1;
1585  }
1592  template <class T>
1593  static T ClampValue(const T& value, const T& min, const T& max);
1600  static void ClampValue(double* value, const double range[2]);
1601  static void ClampValue(double value, const double range[2], double* clamped_value);
1602  static void ClampValues(double* values, int nb_values, const double range[2]);
1603  static void ClampValues(
1604  const double* values, int nb_values, const double range[2], double* clamped_values);
1613  static double ClampAndNormalizeValue(double value, const double range[2]);
1619  template <class T1, class T2>
1620  static void TensorFromSymmetricTensor(const T1 symmTensor[6], T2 tensor[9]);
1627  template <class T>
1628  static void TensorFromSymmetricTensor(T tensor[9]);
1639  double range_min, double range_max, double scale = 1.0, double shift = 0.0);
1649  static vtkTypeBool GetAdjustedScalarRange(vtkDataArray* array, int comp, double range[2]);
1655  static vtkTypeBool ExtentIsWithinOtherExtent(const int extent1[6], const int extent2[6]);
1663  const double bounds1[6], const double bounds2[6], const double delta[3]);
1671  const double point[3], const double bounds[6], const double delta[3]);
1683  const double bounds[6], const double normal[3], const double point[3]);
1694  static double Solve3PointCircle(
1695  const double p1[3], const double p2[3], const double p3[3], double center[3]);
1700  static double Inf();
1705  static double NegInf();
1710  static double Nan();
1715  static vtkTypeBool IsInf(double x);
1720  static vtkTypeBool IsNan(double x);
1726  static bool IsFinite(double x);
1732  static int QuadraticRoot(double a, double b, double c, double min, double max, double* u);
1739  static vtkIdType ComputeGCD(vtkIdType m, vtkIdType n) { return (n ? ComputeGCD(n, m % n) : m); }
1744  enum class ConvolutionMode
1745  {
1746  FULL,
1747  SAME,
1748  VALID
1749  };
1773  template <class Iter1, class Iter2, class Iter3>
1774  static void Convolve1D(Iter1 beginSample, Iter1 endSample, Iter2 beginKernel, Iter2 endKernel,
1775  Iter3 beginOut, Iter3 endOut, ConvolutionMode mode = ConvolutionMode::FULL)
1776  {
1777  int sampleSize = std::distance(beginSample, endSample);
1778  int kernelSize = std::distance(beginKernel, endKernel);
1779  int outSize = std::distance(beginOut, endOut);
1781  if (sampleSize <= 0 || kernelSize <= 0 || outSize <= 0)
1782  {
1783  return;
1784  }
1786  int begin = 0;
1787  int end = outSize;
1789  switch (mode)
1790  {
1791  case ConvolutionMode::SAME:
1792  begin = static_cast<int>(std::ceil((std::min)(sampleSize, kernelSize) / 2.0)) - 1;
1793  end = begin + (std::max)(sampleSize, kernelSize);
1794  break;
1795  case ConvolutionMode::VALID:
1796  begin = (std::min)(sampleSize, kernelSize) - 1;
1797  end = begin + std::abs(sampleSize - kernelSize) + 1;
1798  break;
1799  case ConvolutionMode::FULL:
1800  default:
1801  break;
1802  }
1804  for (int i = begin; i < end; i++)
1805  {
1806  Iter3 out = beginOut + i - begin;
1807  *out = 0;
1808  for (int j = (std::max)(i - sampleSize + 1, 0); j <= (std::min)(i, kernelSize - 1); j++)
1809  {
1810  *out += *(beginSample + (i - j)) * *(beginKernel + j);
1811  }
1812  }
1813  }
1819  static void GetPointAlongLine(double result[3], double p1[3], double p2[3], const double offset)
1820  {
1821  double directionVector[3] = { p2[0] - p1[0], p2[1] - p1[1], p2[2] - p1[2] };
1822  vtkMath::Normalize(directionVector);
1823  result[0] = p2[0] + (offset * directionVector[0]);
1824  result[1] = p2[1] + (offset * directionVector[1]);
1825  result[2] = p2[2] + (offset * directionVector[2]);
1826  }
1828 protected:
1829  vtkMath() = default;
1830  ~vtkMath() override = default;
1834 private:
1835  vtkMath(const vtkMath&) = delete;
1836  void operator=(const vtkMath&) = delete;
1837 };
1839 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1840 inline float vtkMath::RadiansFromDegrees(float x)
1841 {
1842  return x * 0.017453292f;
1843 }
1845 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1846 inline double vtkMath::RadiansFromDegrees(double x)
1847 {
1848  return x * 0.017453292519943295;
1849 }
1851 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1852 inline float vtkMath::DegreesFromRadians(float x)
1853 {
1854  return x * 57.2957795131f;
1855 }
1857 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1858 inline double vtkMath::DegreesFromRadians(double x)
1859 {
1860  return x * 57.29577951308232;
1861 }
1863 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1864 inline bool vtkMath::IsPowerOfTwo(vtkTypeUInt64 x)
1865 {
1866  return ((x != 0) & ((x & (x - 1)) == 0));
1867 }
1869 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1870 // Credit goes to Peter Hart and William Lewis on comp.lang.python 1997
1872 {
1873  unsigned int z = static_cast<unsigned int>(((x > 0) ? x - 1 : 0));
1874  z |= z >> 1;
1875  z |= z >> 2;
1876  z |= z >> 4;
1877  z |= z >> 8;
1878  z |= z >> 16;
1879  return static_cast<int>(z + 1);
1880 }
1882 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1883 // Modify the trunc() operation provided by static_cast<int>() to get floor(),
1884 // Note that in C++ conditions evaluate to values of 1 or 0 (true or false).
1885 inline int vtkMath::Floor(double x)
1886 {
1887  int i = static_cast<int>(x);
1888  return i - (i > x);
1889 }
1891 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1892 // Modify the trunc() operation provided by static_cast<int>() to get ceil(),
1893 // Note that in C++ conditions evaluate to values of 1 or 0 (true or false).
1894 inline int vtkMath::Ceil(double x)
1895 {
1896  int i = static_cast<int>(x);
1897  return i + (i < x);
1898 }
1900 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1901 template <class T>
1902 inline T vtkMath::Min(const T& a, const T& b)
1903 {
1904  return (b <= a ? b : a);
1905 }
1907 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1908 template <class T>
1909 inline T vtkMath::Max(const T& a, const T& b)
1910 {
1911  return (b > a ? b : a);
1912 }
1914 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1915 inline float vtkMath::Normalize(float v[3])
1916 {
1917  float den = vtkMath::Norm(v);
1918  if (den != 0.0)
1919  {
1920  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
1921  {
1922  v[i] /= den;
1923  }
1924  }
1925  return den;
1926 }
1928 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1929 inline double vtkMath::Normalize(double v[3])
1930 {
1931  double den = vtkMath::Norm(v);
1932  if (den != 0.0)
1933  {
1934  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
1935  {
1936  v[i] /= den;
1937  }
1938  }
1939  return den;
1940 }
1942 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1943 inline float vtkMath::Normalize2D(float v[2])
1944 {
1945  float den = vtkMath::Norm2D(v);
1946  if (den != 0.0)
1947  {
1948  for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
1949  {
1950  v[i] /= den;
1951  }
1952  }
1953  return den;
1954 }
1956 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1957 inline double vtkMath::Normalize2D(double v[2])
1958 {
1959  double den = vtkMath::Norm2D(v);
1960  if (den != 0.0)
1961  {
1962  for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
1963  {
1964  v[i] /= den;
1965  }
1966  }
1967  return den;
1968 }
1970 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1971 inline float vtkMath::Determinant3x3(const float c1[3], const float c2[3], const float c3[3])
1972 {
1973  return c1[0] * c2[1] * c3[2] + c2[0] * c3[1] * c1[2] + c3[0] * c1[1] * c2[2] -
1974  c1[0] * c3[1] * c2[2] - c2[0] * c1[1] * c3[2] - c3[0] * c2[1] * c1[2];
1975 }
1977 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1978 inline double vtkMath::Determinant3x3(const double c1[3], const double c2[3], const double c3[3])
1979 {
1980  return c1[0] * c2[1] * c3[2] + c2[0] * c3[1] * c1[2] + c3[0] * c1[1] * c2[2] -
1981  c1[0] * c3[1] * c2[2] - c2[0] * c1[1] * c3[2] - c3[0] * c2[1] * c1[2];
1982 }
1984 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1986  double a1, double a2, double a3, double b1, double b2, double b3, double c1, double c2, double c3)
1987 {
1988  return (a1 * vtkMath::Determinant2x2(b2, b3, c2, c3) -
1989  b1 * vtkMath::Determinant2x2(a2, a3, c2, c3) + c1 * vtkMath::Determinant2x2(a2, a3, b2, b3));
1990 }
1992 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1993 inline float vtkMath::Distance2BetweenPoints(const float p1[3], const float p2[3])
1994 {
1995  return ((p1[0] - p2[0]) * (p1[0] - p2[0]) + (p1[1] - p2[1]) * (p1[1] - p2[1]) +
1996  (p1[2] - p2[2]) * (p1[2] - p2[2]));
1997 }
1999 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2000 inline double vtkMath::Distance2BetweenPoints(const double p1[3], const double p2[3])
2001 {
2002  return ((p1[0] - p2[0]) * (p1[0] - p2[0]) + (p1[1] - p2[1]) * (p1[1] - p2[1]) +
2003  (p1[2] - p2[2]) * (p1[2] - p2[2]));
2004 }
2006 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2007 template <typename ReturnTypeT, typename TupleRangeT1, typename TupleRangeT2, typename EnableT>
2008 inline ReturnTypeT vtkMath::Distance2BetweenPoints(const TupleRangeT1& p1, const TupleRangeT2& p2)
2009 {
2010  return ((p1[0] - p2[0]) * (p1[0] - p2[0]) + (p1[1] - p2[1]) * (p1[1] - p2[1]) +
2011  (p1[2] - p2[2]) * (p1[2] - p2[2]));
2012 }
2014 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2015 template <class VectorT1, class VectorT2, class VectorT3>
2016 void vtkMath::Cross(VectorT1&& a, VectorT2&& b, VectorT3& c)
2017 {
2018  c[0] = a[1] * b[2] - a[2] * b[1];
2019  c[1] = a[2] * b[0] - a[0] * b[2];
2020  c[2] = a[0] * b[1] - a[1] * b[0];
2021 }
2023 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2024 // Cross product of two 3-vectors. Result (a x b) is stored in c[3].
2025 inline void vtkMath::Cross(const float a[3], const float b[3], float c[3])
2026 {
2027  float Cx = a[1] * b[2] - a[2] * b[1];
2028  float Cy = a[2] * b[0] - a[0] * b[2];
2029  float Cz = a[0] * b[1] - a[1] * b[0];
2030  c[0] = Cx;
2031  c[1] = Cy;
2032  c[2] = Cz;
2033 }
2035 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2036 // Cross product of two 3-vectors. Result (a x b) is stored in c[3].
2037 inline void vtkMath::Cross(const double a[3], const double b[3], double c[3])
2038 {
2039  double Cx = a[1] * b[2] - a[2] * b[1];
2040  double Cy = a[2] * b[0] - a[0] * b[2];
2041  double Cz = a[0] * b[1] - a[1] * b[0];
2042  c[0] = Cx;
2043  c[1] = Cy;
2044  c[2] = Cz;
2045 }
2047 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2048 template <class T>
2049 inline double vtkDeterminant3x3(const T A[3][3])
2050 {
2051  return A[0][0] * A[1][1] * A[2][2] + A[1][0] * A[2][1] * A[0][2] + A[2][0] * A[0][1] * A[1][2] -
2052  A[0][0] * A[2][1] * A[1][2] - A[1][0] * A[0][1] * A[2][2] - A[2][0] * A[1][1] * A[0][2];
2053 }
2055 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2056 inline double vtkMath::Determinant3x3(const float A[3][3])
2057 {
2058  return vtkDeterminant3x3(A);
2059 }
2061 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2062 inline double vtkMath::Determinant3x3(const double A[3][3])
2063 {
2064  return vtkDeterminant3x3(A);
2065 }
2067 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2068 template <class T>
2069 inline T vtkMath::ClampValue(const T& value, const T& min, const T& max)
2070 {
2071  assert("pre: valid_range" && min <= max);
2073 #if __cplusplus >= 201703L
2074  return std::clamp(value, min, max);
2075 #else
2076  // compilers are good at optimizing the ternary operator,
2077  // use '<' since it is preferred by STL for custom types
2078  T v = (min < value ? value : min);
2079  return (v < max ? v : max);
2080 #endif
2081 }
2083 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2084 inline void vtkMath::ClampValue(double* value, const double range[2])
2085 {
2086  if (value && range)
2087  {
2088  assert("pre: valid_range" && range[0] <= range[1]);
2090  *value = vtkMath::ClampValue(*value, range[0], range[1]);
2091  }
2092 }
2094 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2095 inline void vtkMath::ClampValue(double value, const double range[2], double* clamped_value)
2096 {
2097  if (range && clamped_value)
2098  {
2099  assert("pre: valid_range" && range[0] <= range[1]);
2101  *clamped_value = vtkMath::ClampValue(value, range[0], range[1]);
2102  }
2103 }
2105 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2106 inline double vtkMath::ClampAndNormalizeValue(double value, const double range[2])
2107 {
2108  assert("pre: valid_range" && range[0] <= range[1]);
2110  double result;
2111  if (range[0] == range[1])
2112  {
2113  result = 0.0;
2114  }
2115  else
2116  {
2117  // clamp
2118  result = vtkMath::ClampValue(value, range[0], range[1]);
2120  // normalize
2121  result = (result - range[0]) / (range[1] - range[0]);
2122  }
2124  assert("post: valid_result" && result >= 0.0 && result <= 1.0);
2126  return result;
2127 }
2129 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2130 template <class T1, class T2>
2131 inline void vtkMath::TensorFromSymmetricTensor(const T1 symmTensor[9], T2 tensor[9])
2132 {
2133  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
2134  {
2135  tensor[4 * i] = symmTensor[i];
2136  }
2137  tensor[1] = tensor[3] = symmTensor[3];
2138  tensor[2] = tensor[6] = symmTensor[5];
2139  tensor[5] = tensor[7] = symmTensor[4];
2140 }
2142 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2143 template <class T>
2144 inline void vtkMath::TensorFromSymmetricTensor(T tensor[9])
2145 {
2146  tensor[6] = tensor[5]; // XZ
2147  tensor[7] = tensor[4]; // YZ
2148  tensor[8] = tensor[2]; // ZZ
2149  tensor[4] = tensor[1]; // YY
2150  tensor[5] = tensor[7]; // YZ
2151  tensor[2] = tensor[6]; // XZ
2152  tensor[1] = tensor[3]; // XY
2153 }
2156 namespace
2157 {
2158 template <class QuaternionT, class MatrixT>
2159 inline void vtkQuaternionToMatrix3x3(QuaternionT&& quat, MatrixT&& A)
2160 {
2163  Scalar ww = quat[0] * quat[0];
2164  Scalar wx = quat[0] * quat[1];
2165  Scalar wy = quat[0] * quat[2];
2166  Scalar wz = quat[0] * quat[3];
2168  Scalar xx = quat[1] * quat[1];
2169  Scalar yy = quat[2] * quat[2];
2170  Scalar zz = quat[3] * quat[3];
2172  Scalar xy = quat[1] * quat[2];
2173  Scalar xz = quat[1] * quat[3];
2174  Scalar yz = quat[2] * quat[3];
2176  Scalar rr = xx + yy + zz;
2177  // normalization factor, just in case quaternion was not normalized
2178  Scalar f = 1 / (ww + rr);
2179  Scalar s = (ww - rr) * f;
2180  f *= 2;
2184  Wrapper::template Get<0, 0>(std::forward<MatrixT>(A)) = xx * f + s;
2185  Wrapper::template Get<1, 0>(std::forward<MatrixT>(A)) = (xy + wz) * f;
2186  Wrapper::template Get<2, 0>(std::forward<MatrixT>(A)) = (xz - wy) * f;
2188  Wrapper::template Get<0, 1>(std::forward<MatrixT>(A)) = (xy - wz) * f;
2189  Wrapper::template Get<1, 1>(std::forward<MatrixT>(A)) = yy * f + s;
2190  Wrapper::template Get<2, 1>(std::forward<MatrixT>(A)) = (yz + wx) * f;
2192  Wrapper::template Get<0, 2>(std::forward<MatrixT>(A)) = (xz + wy) * f;
2193  Wrapper::template Get<1, 2>(std::forward<MatrixT>(A)) = (yz - wx) * f;
2194  Wrapper::template Get<2, 2>(std::forward<MatrixT>(A)) = zz * f + s;
2195 }
2196 } // anonymous namespace
2199 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2200 inline void vtkMath::QuaternionToMatrix3x3(const float quat[4], float A[3][3])
2201 {
2202  vtkQuaternionToMatrix3x3(quat, A);
2203 }
2205 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2206 inline void vtkMath::QuaternionToMatrix3x3(const double quat[4], double A[3][3])
2207 {
2208  vtkQuaternionToMatrix3x3(quat, A);
2209 }
2211 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2212 template <class QuaternionT, class MatrixT, class EnableT>
2213 inline void vtkMath::QuaternionToMatrix3x3(QuaternionT&& q, MatrixT&& A)
2214 {
2215  vtkQuaternionToMatrix3x3(std::forward<QuaternionT>(q), std::forward<MatrixT>(A));
2216 }
2219 namespace
2220 {
2221 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2222 // The solution is based on
2223 // Berthold K. P. Horn (1987),
2224 // "Closed-form solution of absolute orientation using unit quaternions,"
2225 // Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 4:629-642
2226 template <class MatrixT, class QuaternionT>
2227 inline void vtkMatrix3x3ToQuaternion(MatrixT&& A, QuaternionT&& quat)
2228 {
2231  Scalar N[4][4];
2235  // on-diagonal elements
2236  N[0][0] = Wrapper::template Get<0, 0>(std::forward<MatrixT>(A)) +
2237  Wrapper::template Get<1, 1>(std::forward<MatrixT>(A)) +
2238  Wrapper::template Get<2, 2>(std::forward<MatrixT>(A));
2239  N[1][1] = Wrapper::template Get<0, 0>(std::forward<MatrixT>(A)) -
2240  Wrapper::template Get<1, 1>(std::forward<MatrixT>(A)) -
2241  Wrapper::template Get<2, 2>(std::forward<MatrixT>(A));
2242  N[2][2] = -Wrapper::template Get<0, 0>(std::forward<MatrixT>(A)) +
2243  Wrapper::template Get<1, 1>(std::forward<MatrixT>(A)) -
2244  Wrapper::template Get<2, 2>(std::forward<MatrixT>(A));
2245  N[3][3] = -Wrapper::template Get<0, 0>(std::forward<MatrixT>(A)) -
2246  Wrapper::template Get<1, 1>(std::forward<MatrixT>(A)) +
2247  Wrapper::template Get<2, 2>(std::forward<MatrixT>(A));
2249  // off-diagonal elements
2250  N[0][1] = N[1][0] = Wrapper::template Get<2, 1>(std::forward<MatrixT>(A)) -
2251  Wrapper::template Get<1, 2>(std::forward<MatrixT>(A));
2252  N[0][2] = N[2][0] = Wrapper::template Get<0, 2>(std::forward<MatrixT>(A)) -
2253  Wrapper::template Get<2, 0>(std::forward<MatrixT>(A));
2254  N[0][3] = N[3][0] = Wrapper::template Get<1, 0>(std::forward<MatrixT>(A)) -
2255  Wrapper::template Get<0, 1>(std::forward<MatrixT>(A));
2257  N[1][2] = N[2][1] = Wrapper::template Get<1, 0>(std::forward<MatrixT>(A)) +
2258  Wrapper::template Get<0, 1>(std::forward<MatrixT>(A));
2259  N[1][3] = N[3][1] = Wrapper::template Get<0, 2>(std::forward<MatrixT>(A)) +
2260  Wrapper::template Get<2, 0>(std::forward<MatrixT>(A));
2261  N[2][3] = N[3][2] = Wrapper::template Get<2, 1>(std::forward<MatrixT>(A)) +
2262  Wrapper::template Get<1, 2>(std::forward<MatrixT>(A));
2264  Scalar eigenvectors[4][4], eigenvalues[4];
2266  // convert into format that JacobiN can use,
2267  // then use Jacobi to find eigenvalues and eigenvectors
2268  Scalar *NTemp[4], *eigenvectorsTemp[4];
2269  for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
2270  {
2271  NTemp[i] = N[i];
2272  eigenvectorsTemp[i] = eigenvectors[i];
2273  }
2274  vtkMath::JacobiN(NTemp, 4, eigenvalues, eigenvectorsTemp);
2276  // the first eigenvector is the one we want
2277  quat[0] = eigenvectors[0][0];
2278  quat[1] = eigenvectors[1][0];
2279  quat[2] = eigenvectors[2][0];
2280  quat[3] = eigenvectors[3][0];
2281 }
2282 } // anonymous namespace
2285 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2286 inline void vtkMath::Matrix3x3ToQuaternion(const float A[3][3], float quat[4])
2287 {
2288  vtkMatrix3x3ToQuaternion(A, quat);
2289 }
2291 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2292 inline void vtkMath::Matrix3x3ToQuaternion(const double A[3][3], double quat[4])
2293 {
2294  vtkMatrix3x3ToQuaternion(A, quat);
2295 }
2297 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2298 template <class MatrixT, class QuaternionT, class EnableT>
2299 inline void vtkMath::Matrix3x3ToQuaternion(MatrixT&& A, QuaternionT&& q)
2300 {
2301  vtkMatrix3x3ToQuaternion(std::forward<MatrixT>(A), std::forward<QuaternionT>(q));
2302 }
2305 namespace vtk_detail
2306 {
2308 // Can't specialize templates inside a template class, so we move the impl here.
2309 template <typename OutT>
2310 void RoundDoubleToIntegralIfNecessary(double val, OutT* ret)
2311 { // OutT is integral -- clamp and round
2312  if (!vtkMath::IsNan(val))
2313  {
2314  double min = static_cast<double>(vtkTypeTraits<OutT>::Min());
2315  double max = static_cast<double>(vtkTypeTraits<OutT>::Max());
2316  val = vtkMath::ClampValue(val, min, max);
2317  *ret = static_cast<OutT>((val >= 0.0) ? (val + 0.5) : (val - 0.5));
2318  }
2319  else
2320  *ret = 0;
2321 }
2322 template <>
2323 inline void RoundDoubleToIntegralIfNecessary(double val, double* retVal)
2324 { // OutT is double: passthrough
2325  *retVal = val;
2326 }
2327 template <>
2328 inline void RoundDoubleToIntegralIfNecessary(double val, float* retVal)
2329 { // OutT is float -- just clamp (as doubles, then the cast to float is well-defined.)
2330  if (!vtkMath::IsNan(val))
2331  {
2332  double min = static_cast<double>(vtkTypeTraits<float>::Min());
2333  double max = static_cast<double>(vtkTypeTraits<float>::Max());
2334  val = vtkMath::ClampValue(val, min, max);
2335  }
2337  *retVal = static_cast<float>(val);
2338 }
2340 } // end namespace vtk_detail
2343 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2344 #if defined(VTK_HAS_ISINF) || defined(VTK_HAS_STD_ISINF)
2346 inline vtkTypeBool vtkMath::IsInf(double x)
2347 {
2348 #if defined(VTK_HAS_STD_ISINF)
2349  return std::isinf(x);
2350 #else
2351  return (isinf(x) != 0); // Force conversion to bool
2352 #endif
2353 }
2354 #endif
2356 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2357 #if defined(VTK_HAS_ISNAN) || defined(VTK_HAS_STD_ISNAN)
2359 inline vtkTypeBool vtkMath::IsNan(double x)
2360 {
2361 #if defined(VTK_HAS_STD_ISNAN)
2362  return std::isnan(x);
2363 #else
2364  return (isnan(x) != 0); // Force conversion to bool
2365 #endif
2366 }
2367 #endif
2369 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2370 #if defined(VTK_HAS_ISFINITE) || defined(VTK_HAS_STD_ISFINITE) || defined(VTK_HAS_FINITE)
2372 inline bool vtkMath::IsFinite(double x)
2373 {
2374 #if defined(VTK_HAS_STD_ISFINITE)
2375  return std::isfinite(x);
2376 #elif defined(VTK_HAS_ISFINITE)
2377  return (isfinite(x) != 0); // Force conversion to bool
2378 #else
2379  return (finite(x) != 0); // Force conversion to bool
2380 #endif
2381 }
2382 #endif
2385 #endif
Gaussian sequence of pseudo random numbers implemented with the Box-Mueller transform.
abstract superclass for arrays of numeric data
Definition: vtkDataArray.h:155
a simple class to control print indentation
Definition: vtkIndent.h:108
performs common math operations
Definition: vtkMath.h:188
static ReturnTypeT Distance2BetweenPoints(const TupleRangeT1 &p1, const TupleRangeT2 &p2)
Compute distance squared between two points p1 and p2.
Definition: vtkMath.h:2008
static void Multiply3x3(const float A[3][3], const float B[3][3], float C[3][3])
Multiply one 3x3 matrix by another according to C = AB.
static double Dot(const double a[3], const double b[3])
Dot product of two 3-vectors (double version).
Definition: vtkMath.h:589
static int GetScalarTypeFittingRange(double range_min, double range_max, double scale=1.0, double shift=0.0)
Return the scalar type that is most likely to have enough precision to store a given range of data on...
static void RGBToXYZ(double r, double g, double b, double *x, double *y, double *z)
Convert color from the RGB system to CIE XYZ.
static void Multiply3x3(const double A[3][3], const double B[3][3], double C[3][3])
Multiply one 3x3 matrix by another according to C = AB.
static double Norm(const double *x, int n)
Compute the norm of n-vector.
static int Round(float f)
Rounds a float to the nearest integer.
Definition: vtkMath.h:249
static int * BeginCombination(int m, int n)
Start iterating over "m choose n" objects.
static vtkIdType ComputeGCD(vtkIdType m, vtkIdType n)
Compute the greatest common divisor (GCD) of two positive integers m and n.
Definition: vtkMath.h:1739
static double Norm2D(const double x[2])
Compute the norm of a 2-vector.
Definition: vtkMath.h:865
static double GaussianAmplitude(double variance, double distanceFromMean)
Compute the amplitude of a Gaussian function with mean=0 and specified variance.
static void XYZToRGB(double x, double y, double z, double *r, double *g, double *b)
Convert color from the CIE XYZ system to RGB.
static void GetPointAlongLine(double result[3], double p1[3], double p2[3], const double offset)
Get the coordinates of a point along a line defined by p1 and p2, at a specified offset relative to p...
Definition: vtkMath.h:1819
static void Subtract(const float a[3], const float b[3], float c[3])
Subtraction of two 3-vectors (float version).
Definition: vtkMath.h:498
static void LUSolve3x3(const double A[3][3], const int index[3], double x[3])
LU back substitution for a 3x3 matrix.
static vtkTypeBool SolveHomogeneousLeastSquares(int numberOfSamples, double **xt, int xOrder, double **mt)
Solves for the least squares best fit matrix for the homogeneous equation X'M' = 0'.
static void Outer2D(const float x[2], const float y[2], float A[2][2])
Outer product of two 2-vectors (float version).
Definition: vtkMath.h:830
static bool ProjectVector(const double a[3], const double b[3], double projection[3])
Compute the projection of vector a on vector b and return it in projection[3].
static vtkSmartPointer< vtkMathInternal > Internal
Definition: vtkMath.h:1832
static float Norm(const float *x, int n)
Compute the norm of n-vector.
static vtkTypeBool ExtentIsWithinOtherExtent(const int extent1[6], const int extent2[6])
Return true if first 3D extent is within second 3D extent Extent is x-min, x-max, y-min,...
static double GaussianAmplitude(double mean, double variance, double position)
Compute the amplitude of a Gaussian function with specified mean and variance.
static void Add(const double a[3], const double b[3], double c[3])
Addition of two 3-vectors (double version).
Definition: vtkMath.h:473
static void RGBToHSV(float r, float g, float b, float *h, float *s, float *v)
Convert color in RGB format (Red, Green, Blue) to HSV format (Hue, Saturation, Value).
static float Norm(const float v[3])
Compute the norm of 3-vector (float version).
Definition: vtkMath.h:677
static ReturnTypeT Dot(const TupleRangeT1 &a, const TupleRangeT2 &b)
Compute dot product between two points p1 and p2.
Definition: vtkMath.h:613
static vtkTypeBool Jacobi(double **a, double *w, double **v)
Jacobi iteration for the solution of eigenvectors/eigenvalues of a 3x3 real symmetric matrix.
static ScalarT Dot(VectorT1 &&x, VectorT2 &&y)
Computes the dot product between 2 vectors x and y.
Definition: vtkMath.h:1024
static void XYZToLab(const double xyz[3], double lab[3])
Convert Color from the CIE XYZ system to CIE-L*ab.
Definition: vtkMath.h:1505
void PrintSelf(ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override
Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses.
static vtkTypeInt64 Factorial(int N)
Compute N factorial, N! = N*(N-1) * (N-2)...*3*2*1.
static vtkTypeInt64 Binomial(int m, int n)
The number of combinations of n objects from a pool of m objects (m>n).
static double Random()
Generate pseudo-random numbers distributed according to the uniform distribution between 0....
static void Identity3x3(float A[3][3])
Set A to the identity matrix.
static void SingularValueDecomposition3x3(const float A[3][3], float U[3][3], float w[3], float VT[3][3])
Perform singular value decomposition on a 3x3 matrix.
static double Nan()
Special IEEE-754 number used to represent Not-A-Number (Nan).
static void Perpendiculars(const float v1[3], float v2[3], float v3[3], double theta)
Given a unit vector v1, find two unit vectors v2 and v3 such that v1 cross v2 = v3 (i....
static double Gaussian(double mean, double std)
Generate pseudo-random numbers distributed according to the Gaussian distribution with mean mean and ...
static bool IsFinite(double x)
Test if a number has finite value i.e.
static void LUSolveLinearSystem(double **A, int *index, double *x, int size)
Solve linear equations Ax = b using LU decomposition A = LU where L is lower triangular matrix and U ...
static double EstimateMatrixCondition(const double *const *A, int size)
Estimate the condition number of a LU factored matrix.
static void LUFactor3x3(float A[3][3], int index[3])
LU Factorization of a 3x3 matrix.
static void LinearSolve(MatrixT &&M, VectorT1 &&x, VectorT2 &&y)
This method solves linear systems M * x = y.
Definition: vtkMath.h:1111
static void FreeCombination(int *combination)
Free the "iterator" array created by vtkMath::BeginCombination.
static double Random(double min, double max)
Generate pseudo-random numbers distributed according to the uniform distribution between min and max.
static void TensorFromSymmetricTensor(const T1 symmTensor[6], T2 tensor[9])
Convert a 6-Component symmetric tensor into a 9-Component tensor, no allocation performed.
static void LabToXYZ(const double lab[3], double xyz[3])
Convert color from the CIE-L*ab system to CIE XYZ.
Definition: vtkMath.h:1494
static double Solve3PointCircle(const double p1[3], const double p2[3], const double p3[3], double center[3])
In Euclidean space, there is a unique circle passing through any given three non-collinear points P1,...
static vtkTypeBool PointIsWithinBounds(const double point[3], const double bounds[6], const double delta[3])
Return true if point is within the given 3D bounds Bounds is x-min, x-max, y-min, y-max,...
static float Dot(const float a[3], const float b[3])
Dot product of two 3-vectors (float version).
Definition: vtkMath.h:581
static void Diagonalize3x3(const float A[3][3], float w[3], float V[3][3])
Diagonalize a symmetric 3x3 matrix and return the eigenvalues in w and the eigenvectors in the column...
static void LabToXYZ(double L, double a, double b, double *x, double *y, double *z)
Convert color from the CIE-L*ab system to CIE XYZ.
static vtkTypeBool GetAdjustedScalarRange(vtkDataArray *array, int comp, double range[2])
Get a vtkDataArray's scalar range for a given component.
static bool ProjectVector(const float a[3], const float b[3], float projection[3])
Compute the projection of vector a on vector b and return it in projection[3].
static void MultiplyScalar2D(float a[2], float s)
Multiplies a 2-vector by a scalar (float version).
Definition: vtkMath.h:546
static void HSVToRGB(const float hsv[3], float rgb[3])
Convert color in HSV format (Hue, Saturation, Value) to RGB format (Red, Green, Blue).
Definition: vtkMath.h:1478
static void Assign(const double a[3], double b[3])
Assign values to a 3-vector (double version).
Definition: vtkMath.h:457
static vtkMatrixUtilities::ScalarTypeExtractor< MatrixT >::value_type Determinant(MatrixT &&M)
Computes the determinant of input square SizeT x SizeT matrix M.
Definition: vtkMath.h:1067
static double Determinant2x2(const double c1[2], const double c2[2])
Calculate the determinant of a 2x2 matrix: | a b | | c d |.
Definition: vtkMath.h:892
static T Max(const T &a, const T &b)
Returns the maximum of the two arguments provided.
Definition: vtkMath.h:1909
static void Outer2D(const double x[2], const double y[2], double A[2][2])
Outer product of two 2-vectors (double version).
Definition: vtkMath.h:844
static void RandomSeed(int s)
Initialize seed value.
static double NegInf()
Special IEEE-754 number used to represent negative infinity.
static void MultiplyScalar2D(double a[2], double s)
Multiplies a 2-vector by a scalar (double version).
Definition: vtkMath.h:570
static void LabToRGB(double L, double a, double b, double *red, double *green, double *blue)
Convert color from the CIE-L*ab system to RGB.
static double Gaussian()
Generate pseudo-random numbers distributed according to the standard normal distribution.
static int Ceil(double x)
Rounds a double to the nearest integer not less than itself.
Definition: vtkMath.h:1894
static void HSVToRGB(const double hsv[3], double rgb[3])
Convert color in HSV format (Hue, Saturation, Value) to RGB format (Red, Green, Blue).
Definition: vtkMath.h:1483
~vtkMath() override=default
static double Inf()
Special IEEE-754 number used to represent positive infinity.
static vtkMath * New()
static vtkTypeBool Jacobi(float **a, float *w, float **v)
Jacobi iteration for the solution of eigenvectors/eigenvalues of a 3x3 real symmetric matrix.
static int PlaneIntersectsAABB(const double bounds[6], const double normal[3], const double point[3])
Implements Plane / Axis-Aligned Bounding-Box intersection as described in Graphics Gems IV,...
static ScalarT Dot(VectorT1 &&x, VectorT2 &&y)
Computes the dot product between 2 vectors x and y.
Definition: vtkMath.h:1007
static void RGBToXYZ(const double rgb[3], double xyz[3])
Convert color from the RGB system to CIE XYZ.
Definition: vtkMath.h:1527
static void QuaternionToMatrix3x3(const float quat[4], float A[3][3])
Convert a quaternion to a 3x3 rotation matrix.
Definition: vtkMath.h:2200
static int NearestPowerOfTwo(int x)
Compute the nearest power of two that is not less than x.
Definition: vtkMath.h:1871
static void HSVToRGB(double h, double s, double v, double *r, double *g, double *b)
Convert color in HSV format (Hue, Saturation, Value) to RGB format (Red, Green, Blue).
static void SingularValueDecomposition3x3(const double A[3][3], double U[3][3], double w[3], double VT[3][3])
Perform singular value decomposition on a 3x3 matrix.
static double SignedAngleBetweenVectors(const double v1[3], const double v2[3], const double vn[3])
Compute signed angle in radians between two vectors with regard to a third orthogonal vector.
static ScalarT Dot(VectorT1 &&x, MatrixT &&M, VectorT2 &&y)
Computes the dot product x^T M y, where x and y are vectors and M is a metric matrix.
Definition: vtkMath.h:1134
static float Normalize2D(float v[2])
Normalize (in place) a 2-vector.
Definition: vtkMath.h:1943
static void Invert3x3(const double A[3][3], double AI[3][3])
Invert a 3x3 matrix.
static void HSVToRGB(float h, float s, float v, float *r, float *g, float *b)
Convert color in HSV format (Hue, Saturation, Value) to RGB format (Red, Green, Blue).
static constexpr int DYNAMIC_VECTOR_SIZE()
When this value is passed to a select templated functions in vtkMath, the computation can be performe...
Definition: vtkMath.h:222
static void MultiplyQuaternion(const double q1[4], const double q2[4], double q[4])
Multiply two quaternions.
static void Multiply3x3(const double A[3][3], const double v[3], double u[3])
Multiply a vector by a 3x3 matrix.
static void Outer(const double a[3], const double b[3], double c[3][3])
Outer product of two 3-vectors (double version).
Definition: vtkMath.h:635
static vtkTypeBool InvertMatrix(double **A, double **AI, int size, int *tmp1Size, double *tmp2Size)
Thread safe version of InvertMatrix method.
static vtkTypeBool InvertMatrix(double **A, double **AI, int size)
Invert input square matrix A into matrix AI.
static void LUSolve3x3(const float A[3][3], const int index[3], float x[3])
LU back substitution for a 3x3 matrix.
static int GetSeed()
Return the current seed used by the random number generator.
static void Assign(const VectorT1 &a, VectorT2 &&b)
Assign values to a 3-vector (templated version).
Definition: vtkMath.h:447
static float RadiansFromDegrees(float degrees)
Convert degrees into radians.
Definition: vtkMath.h:1840
static void Convolve1D(Iter1 beginSample, Iter1 endSample, Iter2 beginKernel, Iter2 endKernel, Iter3 beginOut, Iter3 endOut, ConvolutionMode mode=ConvolutionMode::FULL)
Compute the convolution of a sampled 1D signal by a given kernel.
Definition: vtkMath.h:1774
static void RotateVectorByWXYZ(const double v[3], const double q[4], double r[3])
rotate a vector by WXYZ using // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rodrigues%27_rotation_formula
static void Add(const float a[3], const float b[3], float c[3])
Addition of two 3-vectors (float version).
Definition: vtkMath.h:462
static int CeilLog2(vtkTypeUInt64 x)
Gives the exponent of the lowest power of two not less than x.
static vtkTypeBool AreBoundsInitialized(const double bounds[6])
Are the bounds initialized?
Definition: vtkMath.h:1578
static bool ProjectVector2D(const double a[2], const double b[2], double projection[2])
Compute the projection of 2D vector a on 2D vector b and returns the result in projection[2].
static vtkTypeBool JacobiN(float **a, int n, float *w, float **v)
JacobiN iteration for the solution of eigenvectors/eigenvalues of a nxn real symmetric matrix.
static int NextCombination(int m, int n, int *combination)
Given m, n, and a valid combination of n integers in the range [0,m[, this function alters the intege...
static vtkMatrixUtilities::ScalarTypeExtractor< VectorT >::value_type SquaredNorm(VectorT &&x)
Computes the dot product between 2 vectors x and y.
Definition: vtkMath.h:1043
static constexpr double Pi()
A mathematical constant.
Definition: vtkMath.h:227
static void Multiply3x3(const float A[3][3], const float v[3], float u[3])
Multiply a vector by a 3x3 matrix.
static void Subtract(const double a[3], const double b[3], double c[3])
Subtraction of two 3-vectors (double version).
Definition: vtkMath.h:509
static void Matrix3x3ToQuaternion(const float A[3][3], float quat[4])
Convert a 3x3 matrix into a quaternion.
Definition: vtkMath.h:2286
static void Orthogonalize3x3(const double A[3][3], double B[3][3])
Orthogonalize a 3x3 matrix and put the result in B.
static void XYZToRGB(const double xyz[3], double rgb[3])
Convert color from the CIE XYZ system to RGB.
Definition: vtkMath.h:1516
static double ClampAndNormalizeValue(double value, const double range[2])
Clamp a value against a range and then normalize it between 0 and 1.
Definition: vtkMath.h:2106
static void MultiplyScalar(double a[3], double s)
Multiplies a 3-vector by a scalar (double version).
Definition: vtkMath.h:558
static double Dot2D(const double x[2], const double y[2])
Dot product of two 2-vectors.
Definition: vtkMath.h:825
static void LinearSolve3x3(const float A[3][3], const float x[3], float y[3])
Solve Ay = x for y and place the result in y.
static vtkTypeBool IsNan(double x)
Test if a number is equal to the special floating point value Not-A-Number (Nan).
static void Diagonalize3x3(const double A[3][3], double w[3], double V[3][3])
Diagonalize a symmetric 3x3 matrix and return the eigenvalues in w and the eigenvectors in the column...
static void RGBToLab(const double rgb[3], double lab[3])
Convert color from the RGB system to CIE-L*ab.
Definition: vtkMath.h:1541
static int Floor(double x)
Rounds a double to the nearest integer not greater than itself.
Definition: vtkMath.h:1885
static void RotateVectorByNormalizedQuaternion(const double v[3], const double q[4], double r[3])
rotate a vector by a normalized quaternion using // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rodrigues%27_rotati...
static void Subtract(const VectorT1 &a, const VectorT2 &b, VectorT3 &&c)
Subtraction of two 3-vectors (templated version).
Definition: vtkMath.h:523
static vtkTypeBool BoundsIsWithinOtherBounds(const double bounds1[6], const double bounds2[6], const double delta[3])
Return true if first 3D bounds is within the second 3D bounds Bounds is x-min, x-max,...
static double Determinant2x2(double a, double b, double c, double d)
Calculate the determinant of a 2x2 matrix: | a b | | c d |.
Definition: vtkMath.h:891
static void RGBToHSV(const double rgb[3], double hsv[3])
Convert color in RGB format (Red, Green, Blue) to HSV format (Hue, Saturation, Value).
Definition: vtkMath.h:1463
static vtkTypeBool JacobiN(double **a, int n, double *w, double **v)
JacobiN iteration for the solution of eigenvectors/eigenvalues of a nxn real symmetric matrix.
static double AngleBetweenVectors(const double v1[3], const double v2[3])
Compute angle in radians between two vectors.
static void MultiplyMatrix(const double *const *A, const double *const *B, unsigned int rowA, unsigned int colA, unsigned int rowB, unsigned int colB, double **C)
General matrix multiplication.
static float DegreesFromRadians(float radians)
Convert radians into degrees.
Definition: vtkMath.h:1852
static float Determinant2x2(const float c1[2], const float c2[2])
Compute determinant of 2x2 matrix.
Definition: vtkMath.h:882
static int Round(double f)
Definition: vtkMath.h:250
static vtkTypeBool IsInf(double x)
Test if a number is equal to the special floating point value infinity.
static double GaussianWeight(double mean, double variance, double position)
Compute the amplitude of an unnormalized Gaussian function with specified mean and variance.
static void UninitializeBounds(double bounds[6])
Set the bounds to an uninitialized state.
Definition: vtkMath.h:1563
static void RGBToHSV(double r, double g, double b, double *h, double *s, double *v)
Convert color in RGB format (Red, Green, Blue) to HSV format (Hue, Saturation, Value).
static void Outer(const float a[3], const float b[3], float c[3][3])
Outer product of two 3-vectors (float version).
Definition: vtkMath.h:621
static double Norm(const double v[3])
Compute the norm of 3-vector (double version).
Definition: vtkMath.h:682
static void RoundDoubleToIntegralIfNecessary(double val, OutT *ret)
Round a double to type OutT if OutT is integral, otherwise simply clamp the value to the output range...
Definition: vtkMath.h:258
static void RotateVectorByWXYZ(const float v[3], const float q[4], float r[3])
rotate a vector by WXYZ using // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rodrigues%27_rotation_formula
static bool IsPowerOfTwo(vtkTypeUInt64 x)
Returns true if integer is a power of two.
Definition: vtkMath.h:1864
static void Invert3x3(const float A[3][3], float AI[3][3])
Invert a 3x3 matrix.
static float Normalize(float v[3])
Normalize (in place) a 3-vector.
Definition: vtkMath.h:1915
static void Transpose3x3(const double A[3][3], double AT[3][3])
Transpose a 3x3 matrix.
static ReturnTypeT SquaredNorm(const TupleRangeT &v)
Compute the squared norm of a 3-vector.
Definition: vtkMath.h:697
static double Determinant3x3(const float A[3][3])
Return the determinant of a 3x3 matrix.
Definition: vtkMath.h:2056
static float Dot2D(const float x[2], const float y[2])
Dot product of two 2-vectors.
Definition: vtkMath.h:820
Support the convolution operations.
Definition: vtkMath.h:1745
static void RotateVectorByNormalizedQuaternion(const float v[3], const float q[4], float r[3])
rotate a vector by a normalized quaternion using // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rodrigues%27_rotati...
static void RGBToHSV(const float rgb[3], float hsv[3])
Convert color in RGB format (Red, Green, Blue) to HSV format (Hue, Saturation, Value).
Definition: vtkMath.h:1458
static void Add(VectorT1 &&a, VectorT2 &&b, VectorT3 &c)
Addition of two 3-vectors (double version).
Definition: vtkMath.h:487
static void Orthogonalize3x3(const float A[3][3], float B[3][3])
Orthogonalize a 3x3 matrix and put the result in B.
static bool ProjectVector2D(const float a[2], const float b[2], float projection[2])
Compute the projection of 2D vector a on 2D vector b and returns the result in projection[2].
static vtkTypeBool SolveLinearSystemGEPP2x2(double a00, double a01, double a10, double a11, double b0, double b1, double &x0, double &x1)
Solve linear equation Ax = b using Gaussian Elimination with Partial Pivoting for a 2x2 system.
static vtkTypeBool SolveLinearSystem(double **A, double *x, int size)
Solve linear equations Ax = b using Crout's method.
static void LabToRGB(const double lab[3], double rgb[3])
Convert color from the CIE-L*ab system to RGB.
Definition: vtkMath.h:1552
static float Norm2D(const float x[2])
Compute the norm of a 2-vector.
Definition: vtkMath.h:859
static vtkTypeBool LUFactorLinearSystem(double **A, int *index, int size, double *tmpSize)
Thread safe version of LUFactorLinearSystem method.
static void LinearSolve3x3(const double A[3][3], const double x[3], double y[3])
Solve Ay = x for y and place the result in y.
static void XYZToLab(double x, double y, double z, double *L, double *a, double *b)
Convert Color from the CIE XYZ system to CIE-L*ab.
static void MultiplyScalar(float a[3], float s)
Multiplies a 3-vector by a scalar (float version).
Definition: vtkMath.h:534
static T Min(const T &a, const T &b)
Returns the minimum of the two arguments provided.
Definition: vtkMath.h:1902
static void InvertMatrix(MatrixT1 &&M1, MatrixT2 &&M2)
Computes the inverse of input matrix M1 into M2.
Definition: vtkMath.h:1090
static void Cross(VectorT1 &&a, VectorT2 &&b, VectorT3 &c)
Cross product of two 3-vectors.
Definition: vtkMath.h:2016
static void MultiplyMatrix(MatrixT1 &&M1, MatrixT2 &&M2, MatrixT3 &&M3)
Multiply matrices such that M3 = M1 x M2.
Definition: vtkMath.h:966
static void Perpendiculars(const double v1[3], double v2[3], double v3[3], double theta)
Given a unit vector v1, find two unit vectors v2 and v3 such that v1 cross v2 = v3 (i....
static T ClampValue(const T &value, const T &min, const T &max)
Clamp some value against a range, return the result.
Definition: vtkMath.h:2069
static vtkTypeBool SolveLeastSquares(int numberOfSamples, double **xt, int xOrder, double **yt, int yOrder, double **mt, int checkHomogeneous=1)
Solves for the least squares best fit matrix for the equation X'M' = Y'.
static void Identity3x3(double A[3][3])
Set A to the identity matrix.
static void LUFactor3x3(double A[3][3], int index[3])
LU Factorization of a 3x3 matrix.
static vtkTypeBool LUFactorLinearSystem(double **A, int *index, int size)
Factor linear equations Ax = b using LU decomposition into the form A = LU where L is a unit lower tr...
static void RGBToLab(double red, double green, double blue, double *L, double *a, double *b)
Convert color from the RGB system to CIE-L*ab.
static void MultiplyQuaternion(const float q1[4], const float q2[4], float q[4])
Multiply two quaternions.
static double GaussianWeight(double variance, double distanceFromMean)
Compute the amplitude of an unnormalized Gaussian function with mean=0 and specified variance.
static void ClampValues(const double *values, int nb_values, const double range[2], double *clamped_values)
Clamp some values against a range The method without 'clamped_values' will perform in-place clamping.
static void Transpose3x3(const float A[3][3], float AT[3][3])
Transpose a 3x3 matrix.
static void ClampValues(double *values, int nb_values, const double range[2])
Clamp some values against a range The method without 'clamped_values' will perform in-place clamping.
static int QuadraticRoot(double a, double b, double c, double min, double max, double *u)
find roots of ax^2+bx+c=0 in the interval min,max.
static void MultiplyMatrixWithVector(MatrixT &&M, VectorT1 &&X, VectorT2 &&Y)
Multiply matrix M with vector Y such that Y = M x X.
Definition: vtkMath.h:994
Matrix wrapping class.
Park and Miller Sequence of pseudo random numbers.
abstract base class for most VTK objects
Definition: vtkObject.h:162
represent and manipulate 3D points
Definition: vtkPoints.h:139
Computes the portion of a dataset which is inside a selection.
@ point
Definition: vtkX3D.h:236
@ mode
Definition: vtkX3D.h:247
@ value
Definition: vtkX3D.h:220
@ scale
Definition: vtkX3D.h:229
@ range
Definition: vtkX3D.h:238
@ center
Definition: vtkX3D.h:230
@ type
Definition: vtkX3D.h:516
@ position
Definition: vtkX3D.h:261
@ size
Definition: vtkX3D.h:253
@ index
Definition: vtkX3D.h:246
@ offset
Definition: vtkX3D.h:438
void RoundDoubleToIntegralIfNecessary(double val, OutT *ret)
Definition: vtkMath.h:2310
typename detail::ScalarTypeExtractor< std::is_array< DerefContainer >::value||std::is_pointer< DerefContainer >::value, ContainerT >::value_type value_type
value_type is the underlying arithmetic type held in ContainerT
Template defining traits of native types used by VTK.
Definition: vtkTypeTraits.h:23
int vtkTypeBool
Definition: vtkABI.h:64
double vtkDeterminant3x3(const T A[3][3])
Definition: vtkMath.h:2049
int vtkIdType
Definition: vtkType.h:315
#define max(a, b)