[vtk-developers] vtkXYPlotActor

Will Schroeder will.schroeder at kitware.com
Wed Sep 27 16:48:15 EDT 2000

Hi Folks-

I've checked in vtkXYPlotActor to see how it would fare on the dashboard. I know the test
xyplot.tcl will fail because I fixed several bugs in layout, and the way the axis range is computed.

There are several new features including a legend box (vtkLegendBoxActor is a new class), 
glyph symbols (any polydata), per curve color, symbols, and legend string, and support of
input fields (data objects) as well as datasets. In addition, the clipping of curves is correct now 
(before spikes would be completely eliminated). (The new classes vtkGlyphSource2D and vtkGlyph2D
were created to support this functionality.)

Tomorrow I will check in xyplot2.tcl which is a comprehensive test demonstrating and covering
these other features.


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